Sea of Lies guitar solo tapping on bass


Nov 6, 2005
I'm attempting to learn the tapping section of Sea of Lies' guitar solo on bass. I notated it two octaves lower, and I'm not gonna rest until I can play this. lies bass solo.pdf

There's the tab

Wish me luck. I can play it at about 30% speed :)cry: ) right now.

edit: Got it to 80 BPM so far... which is a little over half speed.
edit2: 100 BPM now... gotta work on my muting a little bit.
If you can get that at 100% speed without it sounding like mud, I will buy you a beer.

Haha, :kickass:

I can get it at about 100 BPM perfectly, and 110 sounds a little sloppy. Like I said in my second edit, need to work on my (right hand) muting some more. I'm pretty confident I'll be able to pull this off eventually.

That thread has helped me a little bit. I also might have to lower my action just a little bit, too.

But, I'll be out of town without my bass for the weekend (starting Thursday), so hopefully I can get back on track after four days with no bass.
Hahah thanks guys. It's actually not as clean as I wanted (I figured you guys would be all over that...), but I had to film it before my brother went back to school, cause I was using his webcam to film it.