Sealed in fate... *Now with Vocals*


Orpheus: Melodic Death
Mar 9, 2008
Here's my last attempt at a mix for a song of ours, we will prob send it Ermins way to actually do the mix, but seeing as I love mixing for the lols and to hopefully learn more each time I attempt it, here's the mix...

Prob one of my personal bests so far, not that it may be good in the world of andy sneap forum, but please leave me your thoughts!

I'm on guitar and vox if anyone has Q's to ask :)

Chris - Sealed in Fate.mp3
Hey Chris,

I would say what bothers me most is the drums that are still in need of some quantizing, and the guitars are a bit off axis and cloudy sounding. I actually don't think it's possible to get a decent rhythm tone from those, even with EQ. Did you DI first and then reamp, or is that straight into your rig?

Other than that, it's cool man, and your ability to balance mixes is getting better for sure.

I look forward to getting my mitts on it!
Cheers for the indepth Ermz.
Yeah the drums need the work, but again, because we aren't sure what's going on with the clip yet, I'm holding off the editing and re-recording guits until we are sure haha!

I just wanted to test my hand at the mix that's all :)

I'm glad you think I'm getting better, I at least know I've come a long way from where I used to be! That's for sure.

How do you feel the bass sits? I am definitely happier with this than some of my other attempts!
Oh btw, it's not DI reamp, just direct into the amp, but going through the countryman first, although I doubt that would do anything... Interesting how it sounds off axis, I actually put a but load of effort to have it about 2" from the grill and essentially, just inside the dustcap on axis :S

Maybe you can try some reamping with me on the Mark IV seeing as you have the recto cab now?
Very good song! As mixwise I like the guitars and vocs (especially), but drums are buried as others mentioned and those need more punch. Bass is there and it gives a nice punch to the guitars as it should...nothing wrong with that. Sounds quite balanced mix as well. Those orch hits/synths sounded a bit out dated IMO. :lol:
Fair enough mate haha! It's a personal thing, we like what it does for the music ofcourse :)

I'll work on those drums If only to learn some more. Glad you like the vox, I've never been any good at them. Good compression and a nice delay seem to fo along way. I want so try some distressir and other stuff fir effect also!
I wouldn't be too hard on yourself with the vocals. To me they are one of the most distinctive aspects of the band. It's not a standard death growl, but more of a raspy shout.

But yes I have to say that many of those keys patches are pretty dated sounding. I'd be making the jump to some more sophisticated stuff if at all possible. Like I said, grab Nexus and the 'Dance Orchestra' expansion. You'll be set for a little while with that :)
I don't mind those vocals at all man. They are a tiny bit dark EQ wise, but it's a good vocal style nonetheless.
Agree with the drums being buried and the guitars not totally it for me.
As for the actual song itself, it's well written and well constructed, I dig it mate :)