searching for song title...


New Metal Member
Sep 28, 2008
Hello my fellow metalheads :headbang:

I am going to request a bit of help from you. I have for years been trying to find the title of sertain song, that i got from a friend, but the bosoe forgot the apply the title and couldnt remember it :(
I have been searching a total of 50 hours or more to find the title, and used several sampling engines to get it, but to avail, still no title.

It is in my mind pretty damn sweet :p
but the only real things i can make out of it is the following:
"I have killed god, and with him the christian lie, for his sins and for his lies..."
"when the screams of pain has seased, then see the angels die..."

The song can be downloaded here for anyone willing to help or just to widen their music collection ;)

All help is appreciated.

I clicked the link, and the song title itself is written in the link you've provided. The song is called "I Killed God." I quickly looked in metal-archives, and the song by a band called Granhammer matches with what you're looking for.