

Apr 16, 2002
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What is your favorite season? The one that makes your heart aches when it's almost over....

For me it's winter, I just love the snowy trees and the land all cover by the snow. The smell of fire wood when I walk outisde in the evening, the clean air in my loungs. The strengh of a snowstorm... Winter is full of inspiration.
I'm sad to see both spring and autumn end. I like those mild seasons. *Sigh...* Bye-bye, spring.
Mine is Winter, though there's nothing special about it here since we don't get snow or really cold days. I just like it 'cause Summer is too hot and "cold" days allow me to practice my favorite hobby, walking with my discman on :)

Thanks to mankind our seasons are not very different from each other :rolleyes:
Yeah it gets down right cold there in Minnesota! I lived in Minneapolis for 10 years. Don't remember ever going to Eden Prairie, where is it at? People here wonder why I can go outside when its 30 F with a light sweatshirt on haha. Ever been to Fergus Falls?
I hate the cold and rainy days so I'll go with spring
but I just hate all that "romantic" feeling they give to spring
I like winter I think, I prefer cold dark rainy me a dark person but for some reason I love when the clouds fill the sky and theres a nice breeze out and the sun is dim.......
****************WINTER*****************************************************************************************************************************************************SNOW*************************************************************************************************************************************************************************ICE******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************CRYSTALS************************************************************************************************************************************************************************FROZEN LAKES***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************COLD***************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************WINTER******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************I LOVE IT***************************************************************************************************************************************
LOL! Someone's in love with the winter I see...? >:eek:)
Hehe... Nice one Fjell :eek:)

For me... I'm getting all mixed up on this subject...
I used to be a summer person! Cause the sun DOES
give me an extreme amount of energy! BUT! This last
year I have fallen in love with the winter! King winter
has just won me over. It's awesome. Yes, it's bloody
cold, it sucks, I hate getting wet by the snow... We
wear too much clothes, and there are hardly any
people outside.... But still.... I've fallen in love with it.

It felt strange to feel the sun burn my skin again,
when it peeked out high and proud, a couple of
weeks ago. Now it's just getting worse... Warmer
and warmer... And I refuse to wear less clothes!
Bring back the winter! NOW!!!! >:eek:)
i find all seasons awesome in a way! but i think i like autumn and spring the most! summer is too hot for me and i get a sunburn easily! :) In winter it's such a hazzle to get yourself dressed in thick clothes everytime you go out! but i like those seasons too! what i can't stand is cold weather with rain though! :(
Just like Fleischwolf :) I like them all... and I get along fine with any season, here at least :) Dunno how fond I'd be of an artic winter or Sahara in summer, tho ;)

Every season has it good sides, and those outway the bad sides for me :)
Every season has it´s beauties, that´s for sure... But whatta heck! You can´t go sailing on the winter, and you can´t have BBQ parties on the rocky beach all night... But then again... There ain´t nothing like a cup of warm chocolate after a long walk in the coldest of weathers...!

Me final vote is the little season between spring and highsummer ( försommaren )... A highlight for me as a botanist, yes indeed! ! !

-phyros ( hmmm... yeah! That´s right! It´s NOW!! JAAAAAAA!!! *runs out and jumps in the fresh grass, while smiling stupidily*
I think practically. You can't be outside, sitting around (possibly even drinking beer with friends ;)) in Winter, but you can in all the other seasons. That's why I like Winter the least. Not that I hate it, I kinda like all seasons... But now that I can almost see those mild summer evenings, I know what I missed the last months.
It sucks when you go out to a bar in winter and you get a table near a window and you get all the chilly breeze on your back and you regret having a cold icy beer,just regret it because you drink it anyway,so that's why I like spring,but not because of the bloosom shit and all that.
I like fall because the leaves look all nice and it isn't too cold or too hot. it's just a good weather to go out for a walk or to stay home watching a movie.