second song from my band. SD 2.0, pod farm.

the singing is mis-autotuned in places and sounds pretty bad..

and as far as the mix, its ok, the drums sound really fake, especially the cymbals, maybe turn them down some. and more volume on the kick and snare, and fatten them up. not bad though!! what amp did you use on pod farm?
the singing is mis-autotuned in places and sounds pretty bad..

and as far as the mix, its ok, the drums sound really fake, especially the cymbals, maybe turn them down some. and more volume on the kick and snare, and fatten them up.

Drums sound too treble-y and a bit overcompressed, guitars sound a little nasally and the mix is generally lacking in low-end.
i know the singing is pretty bad. i told the singer it was pretty pitchy and he said it sounds fine to him and he didn't want to redo so... oh well. maybe when he sees this he will rethink it.

i hear that my drums are over compressed alot... they seem thin and less punchy when i turn the compressor down, but maybe thats just me. ill try it. i have'nt messed with the cymbal velocity at all so maybe that could help with that too. the guitars i do like tho oroinvictus. the verses i purposely eq'd to sound nasally if thats what your referring to. i took all the high and low out of one of the guitars for an effect.