Secret Song


Mar 13, 2002
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I found this on mp3,and heard it's supposed to reveal something about the last 2 albums. Does it mean anything? It is really an amazing song,whether it's about some secret thing or not.
hahahaha i rememebr when the secret song first came out it made me laugh. yeah i think the reason why none of you guys have any female fan's is because you ahve secret sogns, and d&d dingeons! My band hasnt done shit and yet bisexual emo girls make out in the pit!
Hm, there was an iteresting thread about it somewhere on UM. Do a search for Geburah or Gevurah and I bet it'll pop up.

The MOTW lyrics hyperlinked on provide a good start to thinking about the puzzle. Once September is underway, if it hasn't been done yet, I'd like to start up a thread here to make some more headway on it.
using my immense mental prowess, I traced the Binah-Gvurah-Hod-Yesod route on the Tree of Life and ended up with the (Hebrew) letters "Khet", "Mem" and "Reysh". There are no vowels in the Hebrew and so two possible words arise:
  • Khomer - direct translation: material, but also Hebrew slang for drugs, which means that Byron is telling us that he was high on all sort of nice synthetic or organic material when writing the lyrics.
  • Khamor - Donkey. We're all asses.
    As I see it,

    are both quite possible, what with the characters of the bandmembers we've witnessed so far.
You're confusing horses with donekys. Really now. Donkeys Bray. I had a third grade teacher name Mrs. Bray. We were too young/stupid to make fun of her name. Or maybe it was the fear of the cane that did it.
"I know the secret's out now....
They wouldn't tell meeeeeee

but somehow I FOUND OUT!

laaaaa laaaaaa-laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa etc.

...they kicked me out of the band"