See You Next Tuesday - Parasite


Oct 22, 2006
See You Next Tuesday - Parasite
Ferret Music – No Barcode – April 3rd 2007
By Dan Fisher


Firstly, I know you’re on the same label and everything but holy crap did you have to steal Chimaira’s cover art? Go find my review of Resurrection and you’ll see what I mean. In the meantime I’m getting meaner…

This album is really confusing to me. See You Next Tuesday have succeeded in creating Parasite, an album that is spiteful, confrontational, in places genius, but mostly utter shite. The one thing that carries the album is the excellent production and the irresistible drumming by Andy that is captured nicely by producer Andreas Magnusson (Scarlet, Black Dahlia Murder). There are some very interesting, densely brutal musings here but disappointingly they are not expanded on in any convincing way, due mostly to the fact that the average length of song is around one minute. This is a shame as tracks such as 'Paraphilia', 'A Portable Death Ray and a Sterile Claw Hammer' and 'Pogonatrophy Part Two' bring progressive elements into the band's sound that set them above many of today's grind core acts. Going back to all things shite though, the vocal delivery would be much better if kept to the death growl that appears occasionally, rather than the pre-pubescent screamo approach. This element of See You Next Tuesday's sound, coupled with their unwillingness (or laziness) to approach full length songs renders the band pretty low on anyone's christmas list. Not that the band will give a shit but it seems a shame as they occasionally stumble onto some vicious, jet black, aural gems.

Official See You Next Tuesday Website
Official Ferret Music Website