Self inflicted cuts


Back now...hopefully
Mar 19, 2002
Mexico city
Do you have any information about the people who cut themselves?
Any links to info about it?
Boards maybe?
Or does any of you do it.
If you want to keep it private you can PM me
I am doing a paper about this and I haven't found anything about the subject.
Thanx in advance
was up when i first started
i don't anymore
it was punishment with me, i was thinking i could be this perfect person and every time i failed (or just wasn't perfect) i'd think i needed to be punished for it.
i got help n i'm ok nw
i advise ne1 else who does it 2 get help, the scars will b hard 2 explain

hope th@ helps

kisses n pixiedust
I know two ppl who suffer from it , its called 'self harm', well this one girl i know just slashes her arm, not deep enough for stitches but deep enough to bleed, its an attention seeking thing i think. but dont quote me on it.mmmm strange though i recon :)
its done for all kinds of reasons - i never used to admit it.
some people self harm/injure for attention, this is true, but not everyone
some bleed themselves to flush out the bad things they believe are in their blood
some ppl are like i was, punishers
some ppl use it to transfer stress into something they can deal with - physical pain
some ppl just like the pain n get their kicks frm it....

kisses n pixiedust
i used to do it because i was so emmotionally enclosed i couldn't let out any feelings from fear of being ridiculed, i dont really do it much anymore as i've found someone i can really talk to, my girlfriend does it quite severely, ive helped her clean up wounds on her legs nearly 2cm deep before, helping her stop though..
i think it's alot more common than people think, but everyone can get over it, with help/time i think,
I got a few scars on the back of my hands, but I only did it like once a year. I think I did it for several reasons:
-The scars were like a sign to others.. "Look, Im different from you, I dont belong here and Im proud of that!"
-When you constantly feel pain you go numb.. and at some point you feel like dissolving, like fading away.. and the pain tells you where you are, it's like a parachute exit back to reality.
-It was punishment, too. I liked the idea of hurting myself.. it seemed just.. like a good idea in an insane world.

I heard Borderline patients do it to relieve stress.. and that they need blood flowing on their arms or wherever. For me, the pain was enough already. I know of no sites or anything, sorry. I can ask the staff of the Mental Facility I work at though, they should know about the diseases that make you hurt yourself. :)
Everyone I know that does it does it for attention and nothing else... it is stupid in my mind... but I suppose some people do it for reasons...
I actually know a few guys who like to have chicks cut their arms when they are having sex... never understood it myself but it works for them I guess
Kinkabell said:
some ppl just like the pain n get their kicks frm it....
mmm, that's why I used to self-mutilate. I love the eroticism of blood; I love its look, its value, its smell, its taste, and I used to engage in entire evening sessions in which i'd slash myself open and either drink my blood or paint with it.......I did it because I enjoyed it. I couldn't care less for attention (I kept it hidden) or venting emotions or frustrations, I just loved how it looked and felt. That was a fair while ago now though. I still love and value blood in the same way, but the shedding of it doesn't bring me the same enjoyment anymore (I tried it again a couple months ago; I was disappointed), possibly because I have been convinced that it is such a social stigmata that I must be cutting myself because i'm hopelessly depressed or conscience obscures my enjoyment with guilt.

Either way, it's probably a good thing. My relations express disgust and disappointment for the extensive and severe scarring that I carry.
That is true, emotional pain can be far worse than any physical pain... but inevitably it is a temporary release, and all of the emotional pain wil lreturn.... but of course, any old person can say that... it really depends on the circumstances I suppose