SELFMACHINE - modern metal from The Netherlands.


New Metal Member
Mar 24, 2010
SELFMACHINE - modern metal from The Netherlands.

What is Selfmachine?

The question is valid, and for this newly formed metal band, a lot of the answers are yet to be discovered . For many of the band’s members, Selfmachine signifies some form of a new beginning. The first seeds for this band were planted by bassist Mark Brekelmans after his previous exploits Xystus and Equilibrio came to an end in late 2010. He wanted to start something fresh, something groovy, something heavy yet melodic and without any musical restrictions or boundaries. Most of all though, he wanted something he could share with a group of likeminded individuals. To find the first addition to this band, Mark did not have to look far. Longtime friend Michael had worked with Mark on several projects in the past and once again proved to be the right man for the task. Together they laid out the basis for what is to become the first Selfmachine album. The music could best be described as ‘modern metal’. A wide array of musical influences rolled in to a tight and concise package. Along the way, Mark and Michael welcomed other musicians Ben, John and finally Steven, each of them bringing their own unique skill set to the table, completing the lineup. Together they strive to make Selfmachine something larger than the sum of its parts. Something they can be proud of to show to the world.

So what is Selfmachine?

Let’s find out.

Featuring (ex)members of: Xystus, Equilibrio, Edge of Serenity, Seven Days Remain, Minus.Plus.