Selling entire album collection - rare, signed, all


Bill Ward's Red Pants
Oct 21, 2003
The Southland
Ahoy there. I'm selling my metal albums and thought you folks might be interested in some of it, so here's the ginormous list. Everything is $8 unless marked otherwise, shipping included. Pretty much all of them are in 'like new' condition - normal shelf wear on digis, etc. Cash, check, money order, or paypal accepted. No trades. Shipping stuff outside the U.S. might cost more. PM if you're interested. I can provide numerous references from the RC forum if needed.

* = reserved/transaction pending

Agalloch - Ashes Against the Grain Wood Box (CD, Sticker, Postcards, bag of ashes) ($50)
Akercocke - Choronzon
Alice in Chains - Facelift
Alice in Chains - Dirt
Amorphis - Tales from the Thousand Lakes / Black Winter Day
Anata - Dreams of Death and Dismay
Anata - Under a Stone With No Inscription
Antaeus - Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan (digi)
Antaeus - De Principii Evangelikum
Anthrax - We’ve Come For You All
Asmegin - Hin Vordende Sod & So
Arsis - A Celebration of Guilt
Azaghal - Helvetin Yhdeksän Piiriä
Azarath - Demon Seed
Azrael - Into Shadows Act II
Beheaded - Ominous Bloodline
Bergthron - Jagdheim
Bergthron - Faust Fur Faust (digi)
Black Label Society - The Blessed Hellride
Blood Red Throne - A Taste For Blood EP ($5)
Blood Red Throne - Monument of Death
Bolt Thrower - Mercenary (cassette $3)
Borknagar - The Archaic Course
Borknagar - Quintessence
Borknagar - Empiricism
Borknagar - Epic
Callenish Circle - Flesh_Power_Dominion
Cannibal Corpse - Bloodthirst
Cannibal Corpse - Eaten Back to Life (cassette $3)
Cannibal Corpse - Gallery of Suicide
Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face EP ($4)
Cannibal Corpse - Gore Obsessed
Cannibal Corpse - Vile (alternate cover art)
Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism CD
Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism VHS ($4)
Cannibal Corpse - Live Cannibalism cassette ($4)
Cannibal Corpse - Monolith of Death Tour VHS ($4)
Cannibal Corpse - The Wretched Spawn/Worm Infested (CD/DVD)
Cannibal Corpse - 15 Year Killing Spree Box Set (4 Discs, Poster, Booklet, Comic) ($40)
Carnivore - s/t
Carpathian Forest - We're Going to Hell For This (Over a Decade of Perversions)
Carpe Tenebrum - Dreaded Chaotic Reign
Children of Bodom - Follow the Reaper
Corpus Christii - The Torment Continues
Corrosion of Conformity - Blind (cassette $3)
Cryptopsy - Whisper Supremacy
Cryptopsy - And Then You’ll Beg
Cryptopsy - Once Was Not
Cruachan - Pagan
Damnation - Destructo Evangelia
Dark Angel - Darkness Descends
Dark Tranquility - Skydancer/Of Chaos and Eternal Night
Deathspell Omega - Kenose (digi)
Deeds of Flesh - Reduced to Ashes
Deicide - Amon: Feasting the Beast
Deicide - Serpents of the Light
Deicide - Scars of the Crucifix
Deicide - The Stench of Redemption
Demoncy - Empire of the Fallen Angel
Demonoid - Riders of the Apocalypse
Destruction - The Antichrist
Dimmu Borgir - Puritanical Euphoric Misanthropia
Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
Dimmu Borgir - Spiritual Black Dimensions
Disgorge - Parallels of Infinite Torture
Dismember - Where Ironcrosses Grow
Dixie Witch - Into the Sun
Domination Through Impurity - Essence of Brutality
Down - NOLA
The Everdawn - Poems: Burn the Past
Exmortem - Nihilistic Contentment
Fission - Crater
Forgotten Tomb - Springtime Depression*
Frantic Bleep - The Sense Apparatus
Funeral Mist - Salvation
Gates of Ishtar - Dawn of Flames
Ghoul - Splatterthrash
God Among Insects - World Wide Death
God Dethroned - The Grand Grimoire
God Dethroned - Into the Lungs of Hell
Gospel of the Horns - A Call to Arms
Green Carnation - Light of Day, Day of Darkness
Green Carnation - The Quiet Offspring
Grip Inc. - Nemesis
Grip Inc. - Solidify
Haemoth - Kontamination
Hate - Anaclasis
Hate Eternal - I, Monarch
Hate Forest - Blood and Fire/Ritual
Hate Forest - To Twilight Thickets
Hate Forest - Sorrow
Hate Forest - To Those Who Came Before Us (cassette $5)
The Haunted - One Kill Wonder
Havayoth - His Creation Reversed
Hecate Enthroned - Redimus
Hollenthon - Domus Mundi
Hollenthon - With Vilest of Worms to Dwell
Hypocrisy - The Arrival
Hypocrisy - Virus
Illogicist - Polymorphism of Death
Immortal - Sons of Northern Darkness
Impiety - Paramount Evil
In Battle - Welcome to the Battlefield
In Flames - The Jester Race/Black Ash Inheritance (digi)
In Flames - Colony
In Flames - Clayman
In Flames - Whoracle
In Flames - Reroute to Remain
Ingurgitating Oblivion - Voyage Towards Abhorrence
Insision - Revealed and Worshipped
Insision/Inveracity - Split
Karl Sanders - Saurian Meditation
Kataklysm - The Temple of Knowledge*
Kataklysm - The Prophecy
Kataklysm - Shadows & Dust
Katatonia - Brave Murder Day
Keep of Kalessin - Agnen
Lacuna Coil - s/t
Lacuna Coil - Unleashed Memories
Lake of Tears - The Neonai
Lake of Tears - A Crimson Cosmos
Leviathan - Tentacles of Whorror
Lucifugum - On the Sortilage of Christianity
Malevolent Creation - Warkult
Mayhem - Grand Declaration of War
Megadeth - Countdown to Extinction
Merrimack - Obsecrations to the Horned
Midvinter - At the Sight of the Apocalypse Dragon
Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil
Moonspell - Darkness and Hope*
Moonspell - The Antidote
Moonsorrow - Verisakeet*
Morbid Angel - Altars of Madness
Morbid Angel - Domination
Morbid Angel - Gateways to Annihilation
Mordaehoth - Bloedwraak
Mordaehoth - Balder (cassette limited 300 copies)
Mordaehoth - Liederen van het onterfde land (cassette limited 355 copies)
Mystic Forest - Romances
Naglfar - Sheol
Necrophagist - Onset of Putrefaction
Nightfall - I am Jesus
Nightfall - Lyssa (digi)
Nile - In the Beginning
Nile - Black Seeds of Vengeance*
Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines
Nile - Annihilation of the Wicked (digi)
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns*
Nokturnal Mortum - Mirrovozzrenie
Nokturnal Mortum - Return of the Vampire Lord/Marble Moon (cassette $5)
Novembers Doom - The Pale Haunt Departure
Oathean - The Eyes of Tremendous Sorrow/As a Solitary Tree Against the Sky (digi)*
Oathean - The Last Desperate 10 Years As Ever
Oathean - Fading Away Into the Grave of Nothingness
Obituary - Slowly We Rot/Cause of Death 2CD
Opeth - Orchid (Tin Edition) ($15)
Opeth - Orchid (blue disc)*
Opeth - Morningrise (Tin Edition) ($15)
Opeth - My Arms, Your Hearse (Tin Edition) ($15)
Opeth - Still Life (promo grey/tan disc)
Opeth - Still Life (original slipcase)
Opeth - Blackwater Park
Opeth - Blackwater Park 2CD collector set (bonus songs) ($20)
Opeth - Deliverance
Opeth - Damnation
Opeth - Lamentations DVD ($10)
Otyg - Alvefard
Otyg - Sagovindars Boning
Peccatum - The Moribund People ($5)
Peccatum - Lost in Reverie
Perdition - Piaculum
Profanity - Slaughtering Thoughts
Project Hate MCMXCIX - When We Are Done Your Flesh Will Be Ours*
Rotting Christ - Triarchy of the Lost Lovers
Sacred Reich - Heal
Sacred Reich - Still Ignorant
Sargeist - Tyranny Returns
Sepsism - To Prevail in Disgust
Serpens Aeon - Dawn of Kouatl
Shadows Fall - The Art of Balance
Shadows Fall - The War Within
Six Feet Under - Haunted
Six Feet Under - True Carnage
Six Feet Under - Maximum Violence
Six Feet Under - Live With Full Force
Six Feet Under - Double Dead Redux
Six Feet Under - Bringer of Blood
Slayer - Live Undead
Slayer - Hell Awaits
Slayer - Reign in Blood
Slayer - South of Heaven
Slayer - Seasons in the Abyss
Slayer - Decade of Aggression Live
Soilwork - Natural Born Chaos
Soilwork - Figure Number Five
Solefald - In Harmonia Universali
Suffocation - Souls to Deny
Sunchariot - Harvest
Svartsyn - Bloodline
Svartsyn - Destruction of Man
Dan Swano - Moontower
Temple of Baal - Servants of the Beast
Temple of Baal - Traitors to Mankind
Testament - Demonic
Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor*
Tiamat - The Astral Sleep/In the Eyes of Death
Triumphator - The Ultimate Sacrifice ($4)
Tsjuder - Desert Northern Hell
Type O Negative - The Origin of the Feces
Type O Negative - Bloody Kisses
Type O Negative - World Coming Down
Type O Negative - Life is Killing Me
V/A (DsO, Mutilation, etc.) - From the Entrails to the Dirt
Vader - Black to the Blind
Vader - The Beast
Vehemence - The Thoughts From Which I Hide
Vehemence - God Was Created
Vehemence - Helping the World to See
Venom - A Triple Dose of Venom 3CD Set ($10)
Vile - New Age of Chaos
Vintersorg - Cosmic Genesis*
Vintersorg - Visions From the Spiral Generator
Vintersorg - The Focusing Blur
Vital Remains - Horrors of Hell
Vomitory - Blood Rapture
Vomitory - Revelation Nausea
Vomitory - Primal Massacre
Waterclime - The Astral Factor
Andy Winter - Shades of Light Through Black and White

Signed Albums from shows/interviews I did ($20 each):

Signed by Ravn:

1349 - s/t ($15)
1349 - Liberation
1349 - Beyond the Apocalypse

Signed by Blake/Azentrius:

Nachtmystium - Reign of the Malicious + Nachtmystium
Nachtmystium - Instinct: Decay

Signed by Johan Hegg, Ted Lundstrom, Fredrik Andersson, and Olavi Mikkonen ($25 each):

Amon Amarth - Once Sent From the Golden Hall*
Amon Amarth - The Crusher*
Amon Amarth - The Avenger*
Amon Amarth - Versus the World 2CD*
Amon Amarth - Fate of Norns*
Amon Amarth - With Oden on Our Side*

Signed by Nergal:

Behemoth - Thelema 6
Behemoth - Satanica
Behemoth - Zos Kia Cultus
Behemoth - Demigod
Behemoth - Historica (limited 5 CD box set)($70)

Signed by Vitek (in pen):

Decapitated - Winds of Creation
Decapitated - Nihility
Decapitated - The Negation
Decapitated - Organic Halucinosis