will never get this chance! you have to look.. 200 lp and cds up to great prices! i promise there will be a record for everyone!
some examples:
burzum filosofem lp misantrophy
gehenna - first spell lp damnation
many rare svartsyn lps
vinterland - welcome my chapter
emperor Lps first press
malignant eternal - tårnet
lord belial
mörk gryning
ancient Lps first
mayhem Lps
crown of thorns
early borknagar lp
ancient svartalvheim LP!
ancient - trolltar LP
Satyricon Lps
Setherial Lps
Gehenna Lps
Burzum Lps
Mayhem Lps
thy primordial 7"
gehenna - ancestor of the darkly sky 7"
strid 7"
sorhin / puissance split 7"
sorhin - åt fanders med ljusets skapelser
abigor cds
3 dawn cds
dimmu borgir - devils path mcd
niden div 187
2 unanimated cds
early katatonia cds
2 first in flames cd
early enslaved cds
trelldom cds
early dissection
all immortals cd
immortal - pure holocaust Lp
immortal - diabolical fullmoon mysticism lp
1349 lp and mcd
early hades cds
Mörk gryning cds
throne of ahaz cds
Emperor Lps and enslaved / emperor split cd
early ulver cds
early satyricon cds
limited dark funeral stuff
early marduk cds
the abyss cds
melek taus cd
midvinter cd
tsjuder cds
a lot gorgoroth
a lot dimmu borgir
ragnarok lps
naglfar lps and cd
and 100s of more! pure scandinavian black and death metal LPs , 7" and CDs!
first presses!
take a look yourself!