selling my guitar instructional videos

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
Hey, I hope this isn't considered spam, but I'm putting my instructional videos up for sale on ebay. I only have 3 right now, which are:

John Petrucci Rock Discipline (new)
Frank Gambale chopbuilder (used w/booklet)
Allan Holdsworth (used w/booklet)

the links for these auctions are here:

I'll be putting these vids up soon:

Michael Romeo The Guitar Chapter (used w/booklet)
Paul Gilbert Guitars From Mars: Classical (used w/booklet)
Yngwie Malmsteen REH video (used w/o booklet)
Paul Gilbert Terrifying Guitar Trip (used w/booklet)
Yngwie Malmsteen Play Loud The Basics (used w/booklet)
Shawn Lane Power Licks (used w/booklet)
Paul Gilbert Intense Rock I (used, no booklet - tab on screen)
Paul Gilbert Intense Rock II (used w/o booklet)
Yngwie Play Loud Arpeggios (used w/o booklet)
Yngwie Play Loud Classical Styling (used w/o booklet)

When I get the rest on ebay I'll just repost to this thread. Thanks :)
I may be interested in Intense Rock I and II, or any of the Gilbert ones. Let me know when those go up, man. I'd get Rock Discipline, but I already have it. :) Also, how are the Yngwie ones? Anything new that we don't all already know about his style?
Thirty bucks for a used VHS seems steep by eBay standards. I would imagine you would get more bids by starting cheap and letting the market decide the selling rate, especially since you can get the Petrucci DVD NEW for under $20.

It will be interesting to see what the Romeo vid sells for. I would imagine you may hit triple digits on that one. But I think all the other vids are fairly accessible online or even in music stores.

ABQShredHead said:
Thirty bucks for a used VHS seems steep by eBay standards. I would imagine you would get more bids by starting cheap and letting the market decide the selling rate, especially since you can get the Petrucci DVD NEW for under $20.

It will be interesting to see what the Romeo vid sells for. I would imagine you may hit triple digits on that one. But I think all the other vids are fairly accessible online or even in music stores.


Well the Petrucci VHS I'm selling *is* new. Its still in its cellophane and everything, hence why that has a BIN for $50. Are you sure that the DVD sells for under 20? I just got a Gambale DVD that was around a normal instructional video price ($50).
Yngvai X said:
Well the Petrucci VHS I'm selling *is* new. Its still in its cellophane and everything, hence why that has a BIN for $50. Are you sure that the DVD sells for under 20? I just got a Gambale DVD that was around a normal instructional video price ($50).

Pretty sure I paid $19 for the DVD off eBay a few moons back. I'd have to check though.

I just did a quick search on eBay and found new DVDs from $5-35. Quite a range for sure.

Hope you can raise the money you're looking for. Why don't you just sell your CD? :loco:
ABQShredHead said:
Pretty sure I paid $19 for the DVD off eBay a few moons back. I'd have to check though.

I just did a quick search on eBay and found new DVDs from $5-35. Quite a range for sure.

Hope you can raise the money you're looking for. Why don't you just sell your CD? :loco:

I would sell my CD if it was finished. Part of why Im trying to get cash right now is paying some of the expenses in finishing it up.

I'll make sure to lowball the remaining videos though. I should have checked to see what they were going for in the first place. Still, 20 bucks less than new is still pretty good IMO, its not like I started the bid at 45 for a video thats worth 50 in a music store.
True. Perhaps a start at $15 instead will generate more interest/bids. I've found the lower the starting price the more bids an item typically receives. And you can always put on a reserve, though I for one tend to not bid on items with reserves (because I'm a cheapskate). Or maybe talking up in your description what a great deal the people are getting. Most people may not be aware of the cost for the vids at a music store - if you enlighten them and they go to research, they may find you're giving them a good enough deal.

And with the CD, have you thought about taking pre-orders to fund the initial pressing?

Good luck.
ABQShredHead said:
And with the CD, have you thought about taking pre-orders to fund the initial pressing?

Good luck.

Its not even at that stage yet. Because of everything that came up with Savage Circus, Jens (singer) had to push all his other commitments back, so he's just now going to be getting started on his vocals. I want to have everything mixed/mastered by September, and even then, I'm going to shop it to labels so no real point in taking preorders.