Selling some Comus gear + sound


one-click buy
Sep 4, 2003
So I want to part with my Song to Comus 2 CD edition. This contains both the timeless and ungay First Utterance album and the forgettable and gay 2nd album To Keep from Crying, + a couple solo Roger Wootton songs.

My version is signed by all band members, making it a fucking collector item your grand-grandchildren will eat each other to tear away from your clutching fingerbones of death.

also selling a Comus TS, First Utterance design, white, L-size, never worn.

The full package can be had for $28 post paid, or traded against some cool items (musical or other random shit I'd deem appropriate).
I'm interested in taking it off your hands, though I must echo TGD's question above. Why are you parting with it?
the TS is withdrawn sorry, I'm trading it to a friend for an Elend shirt :lol:

still selling the 2CD for $15pp if you're interested.

As to the why, well, there's always a because lurking on the edge between pragmatism and madness
the TS is withdrawn sorry, I'm trading it to a friend for an Elend shirt :lol:

still selling the 2CD for $15pp if you're interested.

As to the why, well, there's always a because lurking on the edge between pragmatism and madness

:lol:, that is the best answer ever.

I'll get in touch via PM.
:lol: ...

also another :lol: at selling some signed stuff and a bunch of other stuff all for $28 ... ask at least 100 bucks :loco:
NOW YER TALKIN. We'll be in the area a month after Roadburn. Think EW will want to hang out for a private show? I can give them like $50 / £2.