Semideathdjentcoresomethin (AxeFX/Superior/Aftermath)


New Metal Member
Jan 26, 2010
Hi forum :wave:

long time ago since i posted a song here in this hardest forum in the i-net :hotjump: ... not that anyone realy missed me :guh:

since i have to keep patient sitting on the waiting list for my axefx II i thougt i meanwhile could redo my complete patches (Superior/AxeFX/DAW) and check them out with some new songs ...

the first of this songs is called Disorder and you can listen to it here --> RestZeit - Disorder

my setup has changed a little since ma last recordings :popcorn:

Git: Ibanez 1527/w Aftermath in Bridge
Bass: Stagg 5-Stringer
Drums: Superior MF /w Avatar Snr

a little post production is done to the bass (comp/EQ) and the "drums" (EQ) ... the rythm guitars got some stereo spreading ... the rest is pure AxeFX / Aftermath ACTION !! :loco:

lead guitars got a little more eq (lo pass / hi pass) and bus reverb

you can listen to the single tracks (and if you need/want to ... download a patch :yow: ) in this thread

if you wanna rub my face on the floor cause you ve listened to this time consuming rubbish, wanna break ma fingers so i can never ever play more of this shit nor steal your time with postin somethin of this or if you ... bla ... if you have any statements, comments, critix, suggestions plz let me know ...

so enough bubbling ... i hope anyone of you enjoys it

Greatz M
hmm... sorry for the bump ... but is it realy sooo bad or am i just impatient? i am just curious what i did wrong :yow:
yupp, it's really that bad, that's why no one commented!:grin:
Just kidding man, however the mix isn't so great and i'll tell you why.
The guitar feels like it's in another universe compared to the drums, it's like they don't "fit together" you need another guitar tone, or different drumsamples, it just feels "strange" atm. Also the snare is too loud and the cymbals are too low.
Maybe it could be solved if you "remix it", could be just the mixing, or its like i said in the beginning sounds has to "fit" soundwise otherwise its hard to make it sound great.
But try to fix the drums levels so they feel more even, cause now its like the snare and kick is loud, and the cymbals are too low in volume. The guitars could go up a db or two also i'd say!
Just keep work at it! :)
I would change the drumsounds..the guitar sounds heavyyyyyy...but the drums sound not as modern as the guitars do...

wtf..the "clean" tones at the end are that also axefx? are there lots of effects on that dreaming clean tones?
Hi guyz ... and a big thanks to you for the suggestions ...

@ red phoenix ... thanks for the kind words bout the guitar tone ... it was some kind of luck and much Aftermath to get there (hehe)
the clean tones are not realy magical ... a little bit of reverb, a compressor and a lot of different delays and multidelays ... but nothing realy "special"

the drums where always my bigger problem ... maybe cuz i am a guitarist and not a drummer ...

i think i will redo the drums for later mixes and maybe someone could give me a helping
hand where i could get the one or the other good sample for especially kick and snare ...

i like the kick of soilwork, whitechapel or born of osiris ... but i could not say which kind of snare
i realy like ... it should have some more metalic sound ... that s all i could say ... not realy helpful (hehe)

but if anyone could give me a guide to a "modern" drum sound i would realy appreciate that ;)

Thanks for the suggestions and i hope there will be some more helping hands get me out of my "drums problem"

Greatz M