Sensory Amusia live HD video and mix - No replacement or reamping


Aug 26, 2007
Perth, Western Australia
Hey guys got no love in the main forum so thought I'd post this one here for some feedback!

This was tracked September 1st and the production company for the video side of things just got it finished a couple of days ago.

This was tracked from a 02R on bypass into my profires on the night and I mixed and mastered it the next day.

No replacement on the drums or reamping, this is all from what was captured on the night. Guitars were through a cobra into a mesa cab and an engl invader into a cobra cab, bass was straight from a sansamp bass driver. Vocals were run through an FX processor before they reached the desk.
Cheers! I actually spent ages trying to replace the snare and toms to get a clinical cd type mix going till I realised I was going about it all wrong and just went for a big wide fat live vibe kinda sound, really happy with how it all turned out in the end