SENTENCED take break, but working on new album


Anastasia's Minion
Feb 12, 2002
Finland's Sentenced have announced that they will be taking a "creative" break while guitarist Sami Lopakka tends to his newborn child. However, it looks like the break won't be a long one as the band are planning on enter the studio in the fall/winter to begin recording their next album for a spring 2004 release. Frontman Ville Laihiala and guitarist Miika Tenkula have already written several new songs and the band are going to record some demos with producer Hiili Hiilesmaa at the end of the summer. The band have also moved to a new practice place, "which is actually kind of studio where they can record new songs while rehearsing and check out immediately if those are working or not," according to the band's official web site. A possibility also exists that the group will release a four-song EP before the end of the year of material left over from "The Cold White Light" sessions, but this has not yet been confirmed.

Sentenced website: