Sepultura: A-Lex


Halcyon Way Sufferer
Jan 7, 2002
Really enjoying the new Sepultura and was surprised by the melodies! The Voivod influence during Filthy Bit was also a nice surprise! :headbang:
I have no interest in the output of Sepultura after they ceased to be a thrash band (i.e. post-Arise). Chaos A.D. had its moments, but was still utterly disappointing. Now, the Cavaleras have no idea how to thrash anymore, and Sepultura has become a groove band that is just not my taste. I haven't heard this new one, but I imagine it's like the last two (not my style).
I have no interest in the output of Sepultura after they ceased to be a thrash band (i.e. post-Arise). Chaos A.D. had its moments, but was still utterly disappointing. Now, the Cavaleras have no idea how to thrash anymore, and Sepultura has become a groove band that is just not my taste. I haven't heard this new one, but I imagine it's like the last two (not my style).

How do you know they've ceased to be a thrash band if you haven't heard the CD yet? You know I realize that people are entitled to their opinions on music but the one thing I cannot stand is when someone bashes a band or their album without listening to it. Thats the most narrow minded response I have ever heard.
How do you know they've ceased to be a thrash band if you haven't heard the CD yet? You know I realize that people are entitled to their opinions on music but the one thing I cannot stand is when someone bashes a band or their album without listening to it. Thats the most narrow minded response I have ever heard.

I don't really see how assuming a band's new album sounds just like everything else they've released in the past 16 years is closed-minded...
How do you know they've ceased to be a thrash band if you haven't heard the CD yet? You know I realize that people are entitled to their opinions on music but the one thing I cannot stand is when someone bashes a band or their album without listening to it. Thats the most narrow minded response I have ever heard.

Pumpkin, take it easy on poor Palabra. He's experiencing girl problems here in the south! Hehehehehehehe........ I know, I know....I'm being an ass. :p

Its pretty bad. I was bored. Definitely heavier than some of the recent albums, but that does save it from its medicore song writing (I don't mean the lyrics).

There's no Cavaleras in Sepultura btw.
How do you know they've ceased to be a thrash band if you haven't heard the CD yet?

They ceased being a good thrash band around Chaos A.D. When Roots came out, the transformation was complete--not thrash anymore. If they've consistently put out stuff that I do not like for like 15,16 years, how can I possibly think that something they put out this year will be like the second coming of Beneath the Remains or Schizophrenia? It's simply not. I know from past metal experiences that that kind of thing simply does not happen. I said that I listened to the Derrick Green albums (primarily Roorback and Dante), and they weren't for me. I can only assume that the new album is along the same lines.

Now, if someone were to say, "You gotta check out the new Sepultura, it's got just as many awesome thrash riffs as Beneath the Remains." I'll listen to it, hoping to the metal gods that they're right. Highly unlikely that that is the case.

There's no Cavaleras in Sepultura btw.

I know. When I said that the Cavaleras no longer know how to thrash, I was referring to Cavalera Conspiracy, which is are all right, but still groove-based stuff not too far removed from Pantera or Machine Head (or a heavier Soulfly, no a surprise).

I just miss the ferocity they displayed when they were still worshipping Slayer. Schizophrenia is one of my favorite albums ever, as is Beneath the Remains. Cannot be touched by another Cavalera output ever, and as I stated above, highly unlikely the band will ever reach that kind of pinnacle again--they're just not that band anymore.
Since I've been getting into their 80's output lately, I'm probably going to download this new one from emusic to see how it measures up. I'm guessing it's more thrash oriented than some are giving it credit for, especially with the current thrash revival that's occuring.
