Sepultura Choas DVD

Under a Stone

Nov 24, 2003
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I Just got this for Christmas and i love it but there is something strange about it. When i watched the video for "Refuse/Resist" for the first time at the begining there was a man sitting down piercing him self with a knife (i asumed that was part of the video)and half-way through he appeared again piercing his skin with another knife. Here's whats strange, when i watched the video the second time that scene of that man didn't appear and video started as normal.
Yeah, I got it for X-Mas also and noticed some weird tribal ritual shit. But I have not watched it enough yet to notice what you are talking about. The thing I like is it is all on one DVD. I watched the vids seperate at my friends about 3,4 years ago.
sixxswine said:
You can't go wrong with Beneath, Arise & Chaos. They are the three discs that I own by the band. Fantastic shit! It would be great to see them reunite. Soulfly isn't my thing & the newer Sepultura isn't all that either! Damn, what could have been....

That would rule if Max returns to Sepultura but don't you think they would contine with where Roots left off? ,i'm not really a big fan of their last album