Sepultura - Inner Self cover


God can gtfo
Aug 15, 2009
London Self - Mix 3.mp3

Advice please guys.

I haven't done the leads because they are way too advanced for my guitar skills. I know the clean tone is crap, I will re-record it.

I already have an idea of what needs doing in a couple of places, outside help would be great though.
I also realise it's not the greatest performance ever, but I can only do what my hands will allow!

Yeah man, Sepultura had some crazy fast thrash rhythms on the first three albums.
I pretty much worship Beneath The Remains, so I've always wanted to have a go at one of the songs, and this is the only one I could manage.

Yeah the first one sounded very much like a Scott Burns production, and very close to the original. On your second mix, to my ears there is too much middle in the guitars but they do sound very thrashy, if that is what you're going for. I liked the drums, really well done as you can hear the kick going all the way through. I would have the bass guitar louder if you're trying to get away from the original mix. Did you not fancy a stab at the vocals? Wait until everyone's out of your house and go for it! Sorry I can't add anything too technical for you.
Sounds great!

As xplan. said, sounds very close to the original. I really like the drums! Now try to sing like Max, that would be awesome!
