Sepultura Live In Sao Paulo


Sepultura-Live In Sao Paulo
3 out of 5
By: Sixxswine

Usually live albums are a way of letting a band out of their contract, or a way of putting out their best material in one collection. Sepultura have released Live In Sao Paulo, their second live record, their first with replacement singer Derek Green. No offense, but very few bands have gone on to continued or larger success with a second singer, Sepultura are no exception. Their material with singer Green has not been well received by the longtime fans. The material with him fronting the band is missing the spark that made Sepultura The Jungle Crew that we so loved..
That being said, Live In Sao Paulo is s double disc of material from Sepultura’s entire catalog. There are 21 tracks in all, Derek Green does an adequate job with the classic material, to be honest, having never heard him do a classic, I was pleasantly surprised. For me, when they threw in a new number the momentum was lost, but their home crowd appeared to have devoured everything they threw at them. It truly did not matter to them if it was “Innerself’ or if it was “Sepulnation,” the audience loved every minute of it. If you haven’t kept up with the band over the years, since the Max split, you might want to check this collection out.
I don't think it's fair to say Derrick Green is the main fault in the bands latter day work. Sepultura have lacked spark since "Arise". But I fancy hearing Green do the old numbers as I like his voice.
Stormwatch said:
I don't think it's fair to say Derrick Green is the main fault in the bands latter day work. Sepultura have lacked spark since "Arise". But I fancy hearing Green do the old numbers as I like his voice.

I don't think I sacked the singer, did I?! I merely stated that records with him singing haven't been well recieved by the fan base...
anonymousnick2001 said:
It was. And I have yet to hear a remotely convincing rebuttal.

Here's one: I didn't like it.
That's convincing to me. I just don't think the songs on it are very good, compared to Beneath and Arise. I mean that Biotech thing is just crap.
This kind of rejection by the fans when a new member joins a known band, specially when it's the vocalist, it's pretty common but usually time ends up proving if the new member is actualy good or bad.

In the Sepultura case, I'd say it's not just Derrick, it's the whole band itself that went down. It's like the magic is gone. Also, We can't forget that Roots was huge and it would be hard for them to record a better album, even if Max was still in the band.
Velvet Creation said:
This kind of rejection by the fans when a new member joins a known band, specially when it's the vocalist, it's pretty common but usually time ends up proving if the new member is actualy good or bad.

In the Sepultura case, I'd say it's not just Derrick, it's the whole band itself that went down. It's like the magic is gone. Also, We can't forget that Roots was huge and it would be hard for them to record a better album, even if Max was still in the band.

You mean "better selling" rather than "better" surely? Roots is full of crap and is nothing when compared to Arise or Beneath.

I listened to a couple of tracks from this live album but it did nothing for me. Sepultura need to reform and do a tour just playing pre-Chaos stuff! :grin:
(That said, I saw them on the Arise tour and didn't think it was that good....)