Serious question about pre-sale tickets for Rush in Charlotte

Metal Zealot

Apr 4, 2006
Is there anyone here planning to see Rush in Charlotte on Sunday 7/20/08? The reason I ask is because of the pre-sale issue. The Charlotte date is the last show for pre-sale to begin through their website on 3/4/08 @ 10 AM. However, Ticketmaster list presale of these tickets on 3/3/08 @ 10 AM (today!!!), which is a day earlier than the Rush website.

This seems very strange since the tickets always go on sale at Ticketmaster later. My biggest concern is ordering the tickets and not get great seats. I was not quick on the draw last couple of tour and alwas get mid-section seating. This time I want to a ahold of tickets closer to the front.

Anyway, I don't know if the Ticketmaster date is accurate (because they have me errors before), but if it is should I try to make ticket purchases today? What is the Rush website is holding tickets for the better seating to be sold tomorrow and I already purchased tickets for mid-section seats instead of front section seats? :cry:

This is a very terrible dilemma. I was wondering if anyone who plans to attend the Charlotte show is aware of this. Thanks!
I can't answer your question, but I'm right there with you. You can always go through Ticketbastard today and at least try - you can always see what seats they throw at you before you go through with the purchase - so if the seats aren't too you're liking you can try the Rush website tomorrow.
Ahhh, today was the American Express pre-sale. So if you have AMEX you can buy tickets today. I have a buddy that has one, we got section 2, row R. Good, but not great tickets - so maybe there are some good seats reserved in the other pre-sale.

Boy Ticketbastard really sucks...
Ahhh, today was the American Express pre-sale. So if you have AMEX you can buy tickets today. I have a buddy that has one, we got section 2, row R. Good, but not great tickets - so maybe there are some good seats reserved in the other pre-sale.

Boy Ticketbastard really sucks...

Yeah, we secured 4 tickets and got section 1, row V. There is going to be 6 of us going but the limit was 4 for the American Express pre-sale. So the following day, my friend ordered 2 more tickets through the Rush pre-sale website and got section 2, row T (2 rows behind you). It sucks that my group will be broken up, but I'm sure we'll still get a chance to mingle. See you at the show!
Yeah, we secured 4 tickets and got section 1, row V. There is going to be 6 of us going but the limit was 4 for the American Express pre-sale. So the following day, my friend ordered 2 more tickets through the Rush pre-sale website and got section 2, row T (2 rows behind you). It sucks that my group will be broken up, but I'm sure we'll still get a chance to mingle. See you at the show!

I tell you these presales suck most of the time, I may be old school but back when i got tickets for my first Rush concert i camped out at turtles records and tapes and got choices of seats i wanted, most of the time they were decent with out all these complicated passwords that they won't tell you! my first rush tickets for $12.00 not much of a convenience charge don't remember what it was, and now over $112.00 a ticket with the ticketmaster charges..but i got good seats for this years At the new venue near Atlanta too but i got mine from ebay..So that always an alternative now..But rush is great.:rock: