Serious question for Dan, answer if you want.


Manically depressed robot
May 5, 2002
Wellington, NZ
Visit site

Why is it that distribution of your CDs is soooo terrible in New Zealand. In Wellington, where I live I cannot find any EoS, Bloodbath, Unicorn, Nightingale, fact, I cannot find ANYTHING even remotely related to your bands or work in general. Nothing! Zilch! (I'm particularly perplexed as to why there is no Nightingale, it isn't even particularly metallish music, which is a genre hard done by in NZ).

Please explain why. I read somewhere that you signed with a label that isn't very good on distribution to far off places like where I live. If so, get off your butt and get your music distributed wider!
Here in Chile i can't find anything too.... it sucks but you have to live with it and buying the cds at higher prices... i bought closing chronicles in internet and costed me like 200% that a popular cd costs here... sucks but it is worth to pay all the money!!!!

this mail should really go to Black Mark..
Why I don't sign to a bigger label is because I don't like the way bigger labels work. I don't like the idea of people making too much money on my music. Internet is my rescue..
Timing, dear Static, it's all about timing............ :p

Just gotta be in the shop when they come in (which they do), cause they don't hang around, and they only get like one copy..... (yeah, it's usually me buying them, so blame me :grin: )

Originally posted by Light
Sure it's not just force of habit? There are plenty of smallish labels with far better distibution and reputation than Black Mark, and unless you managed to strike yourself an exceptionally unusual deal there, most of them would pay *you* better, too...

Exactly. Sure people at bigger labels are more money-grubbing. But if you found a label thats not neccessarily a 'big label' but had better distribution than everyone would benefit. Fans unable to now would actually be able to acquire your music, thus more money for YOU, the guy thats makes the music.

Personally I don't see the point in making all this good music if so many of your fans can't actually get to it. :rolleyes:
Even here in the US they're hard to find. Atleast in my area. But people who are into varing forms of metal usually are not cartered too in todays record stores. This really sucks, Most of the bands I am tuned on too, I have aquired thru mailorder sites who specalize in OUR type of music. So much for the local economy LOL

just to name a few:

Rob Jones
people people talk to your local distributors about that stuff
I used to think that cd's were hard to find in Mexico but one guy knows people in century media,nuclear blast and all the major labels so he gets all the european cd's on that release date,usually before they hit the US.or maybe ask for a NB catalogue and order it from there.if you order a whole bunch it's cheaper
Originally posted by Static

Why is it that distribution of your CDs is soooo terrible in New Zealand. In Wellington, where I live I cannot find any EoS, Bloodbath, Unicorn, Nightingale, fact, I cannot find ANYTHING even remotely related to your bands or work in general. Nothing! Zilch! (I'm particularly perplexed as to why there is no Nightingale, it isn't even particularly metallish music, which is a genre hard done by in NZ).

send me an e-mail and we should remedy the situation.
Why... ? Duhhh... New Zealand .... on the other side of the globe.
But I can comfort u by saying that here in Iceland the cd collection sucks!!! I frequently order through the internet or when I go to Europe (bought 40 cd´´s in last Wacken)