SERVICE: Drum Editing! [Fast, Accurate, Affordable]

you really must love editing, if you take the same price for hard rock as for grindcore/blackmetal/death.
you really must love editing, if you take the same price for hard rock as for grindcore/blackmetal/death.

Haha, I'm just open to every project. :D

Though I did consider putting higher rates for more technically challenging genres (I.e those you mentioned and the rest of the technical subgenres of metal etc) but I decided to keep it simple and affordable to everyone.
Any example tracks and details of what DAW you use? I have stuff come up that I'd like to farm out on occasion and so far haven't found anyone up to it.

I use Cubase 7.5 and I've been a Cubase-user since '09, so I'm very familiar with my DAW. :)

I'd show you an example track of a project where I had to edit a drummer who had been VERY sloppy being most of the time behind or after the click (tempos were 202bpm and 170bpm with some time signature changes too), but I don't know the nature of the project nor I have the permission to do so yet. :( But in the end, the results were very natural and I saved the drummers face.

What stuff do you have? You can send me a song and I'll give you a one free go so you can decide if I am worthy. :)

I manually go through every hit after listening to the tracks, considering what needs to be done and reading through notes that have been left to me.
I am very familiar with editing the tracks 100% to the grid by aligning every single hit of the song, so precision won't be a problem.

Send me a P.M or email and lets fix up something!
I would split up my 10 songs in 2x5 then, cause that would only be 200 € instead of 280 € :)

My thought was that 4-5 songs would be an EP worth of editing and 10-13 an album worth. :D
I guess I'll have to change the pricing then.
I'd show you an example track of a project where I had to edit a drummer who had been VERY sloppy being most of the time behind or after the click (tempos were 202bpm and 170bpm with some time signature changes too), but I don't know the nature of the project nor I have the permission to do so yet. :( But in the end, the results were very natural and I saved the drummers face.

Sound clips coming soon!

Might be interested. Please post some A/B clips.

Here's a clip demonstrating my most recent editing project for AEL89 above (DISCLAIMER: He DIDN'T record these drums).

The comparison's a little awkward since I'm in the middle of moving today, so that's the best I could do right now. :D
Hope this clears out atleast something!