Service: Mixing. Special offer.


Sir Groove-A-Lot
Jan 31, 2010
Cambs, UK
Hello fellow forumites!

As of right now I am in the process of transitioning between name/website/pricing/logo/design/everything for my recording/production/mixing.

Until the new site is up and I’m back up and running again, I’m kind of floating around in no man’s land, so figured I would offer all the people on the forums I frequent the opportunity to get your musical creations mixed for a fraction of my usual rates.

Some of you may know my work, but for those who don’t the old Myspace is still standing for the time being with some sound samples.

There is also my band’s soundclick page; full of everything I have produced thus far for our EP.

My current clients include local (to me) band Ruinor, who I am recording/mixing/producing. The first 4 of 7 songs can be heard on their myspace. All drums are finished for the remaining 3 tracks, just recording guitars at the moment, then it’s vox, and mastering time!

Also prog/power metallers Midnight Realm’s first track is done (minus vocals) which can be heard here.

For the next two weeks only I am offering a flat rate of £25 per track for mixing/mastering, so take full advantage while it’s this low, as that’s nearly what I used to charge for an hourly rate before the transition.

I really mean take FULL advantage! Get an entire album done! Get a track done even if you didn’t intend to! ROB ME OF POTENTIAL EARNINGS!

I hope to be hearing from some (read: a lot!) of you before the deal ends (Tues 15th March).
