Set List For Athens


Nov 12, 2004
Biomechanical's set list in Athens!

Enemy Within
The Empires
Do you know me
The Awakening
Core of Darkness
No Shadows
Eight Moons
Point of No Return
DNA Metastasis
Relinquished Destiny
Raining Blood(Slayer)
The show was unFUCKINbelievable. Tons of energy, passion and intensity. John screamed his guts out and gave lots of chills in "Eight Moons" (that was the suprise you were talking about Heidi eh?). Again the performance was perfect, the sound was mediocre but who cares.




Metal-R-US said:
If the Dutch shows are anything alike we're in for a treat!

I'm not sure how long they will be playing in the Dutch gigs, but I know they'll try and have a mix of both albums and a cover:D
IOfTheStorm said:
The show was unFUCKINbelievable. Tons of energy, passion and intensity..

IOfTheStorm said:
John screamed his guts out and gave lots of chills in "Eight Moons" (that was the suprise you were talking about Heidi eh?). .

Thanks for the photos!
Will Bozarth said:
goddamn! if only we could get that kind of show here in the States :lol:


Well I know they are trying to put something together for 2006 for the US. So keep everything crossed:D
Just say a huge thanks to Hakos for bringing us over to Greece!!

It was a real blast, obviously it meant a lot to me as I lived over there for about 3 years but it was also the band's first performance in Athens.

The flight was hilarious though. They stopped over to Milan ('when in Rome'...) took all the passengers out, checked them in and put them back...on the same
There was a promo night on the really cool Texas club (shameless plug :) )
and also an interview was given to Hakos the next day for MAD TV (Greek music channel)

The gig itself was absolutely brilliant. Just discovered that there are some real die hard fans in Athens!! From before the gig all the comments really meant a lot to us and the fact that there was non stop head banging and everybody @ the front knew every single word blew us the fuck away!

Anyone who is going to Greece has to check out The Underworld club, it's an awesome place, (Will Boz, remind me to He-Bitch Man Slap you when in the US;) ) its layout came out of 'The Matrix' , I would film a vid there if I had the chance. The sound system was great for a place of this size but I gave the poor guy a headache with my vox stuff (sorry dude)

So a huge thanks to all who came and gave us such a great time!!
Also hi to:
Hakos , Stefanos, IofTheStorm, Panos Mattheogiannis (can't believe I saw you there dude!), Orpheas from Treehouse of Death,Athina,The Pitta Gyro lady, The Souvlaki trailer outside Larissa Station (we ate a lot!!) The dude from Rust (great Greek band), the guys with the Evergray t-shirt (I'm shit with names:yell: ) and sorry if I forgot anybody it was a manic night:)

Last but definitely not least the bands who supported us, seriously the musicianship was sky high! Check those guys out if you can

For God Fear None

Sorrowful Winds were awesome too, old school stuff with a great singer!
don't have a site unfortunately, will post if I get some more info.

See ya all again in the future, thanks for the great night :headbang: :headbang: