Setlist From Tucson AZ Show, 3-29-07


New Metal Member
Mar 30, 2007
Tucson, AZ
OK, seeing as though I have the setlist in-hand, this is what Testament played last night (3-29-2007) at The Rialto Theater in Tucson AZ:

The Preacher
New Order
The Haunting
Electric Crown
Three Days In Darkness
Trial By Fire
Practice What You Preach
Souls of Black
The Legacy
Into The Pit
Over The Wall
Alone In The Dark
Disciples Of The Watch
Burnt Offerings

All in all, a TOTALLY Kick Ass Show !!! :rock:

I was front row right in front of Chuck and Alex, and will have some great pictures to post probably sometime next week.

'Til then, just wanted to get this out there for you all to enjoy - (or drool over)...

Alex is the only reason to see this band, I bet they pay him more than the rest of the group.
Like I said on the other post...

It´s absolutely fantastic Testament are playing again a couple of songs from amazing "The gathering" one of the best albums of their career. However, I consider they have to play a longer set. 14 songs isn´t enough for such a prolific career.

I saw them two times in Spain last year and the first they played 14 ("Sins of omission" and "Raging waters" in spite of "DNR" and "Three days of darkness") adn the second one 12. People felt we deserved more ´cause both gigs were superb.
Alex is the only reason to see this band, I bet they pay him more than the rest of the group.

Actually, I was really surprised to see how good Eric Peterson is.

True, he is no Alex, but quite a bit better than just a "rhythm" guitarist !!!