Seven Gates-The Good and the Evil (fans of Crystal Eyes check out)


Feb 28, 2008
Columbus GA
this is a little info copied off their website,they just had a new album come out in late 09 and it's really great called the Good and the Evil on Icewarrior Records check out the song below if your a fan of music like Crystal Eyes you will fall in love, they rock! you can mp3 download the album from Amazon for $7.99,that's what i did i couldn't find the cd of it,oh well.

The band was formed in Firenze on March 1999 by ex-members of italian Bon Jovi cover band and a new drummer,Paolo Baroni; few months later Max Carrai joins the band as singer and the band start doing live sessions,after the recordings of the very first demo (only cover songs). The band plays live shows in Firenze and Tuscany,playing Helloween ,Gamma Ray,Stratovarius,Labyrinth,Malmsteen,Iron Maiden,Manowar covers.Beside to the live side,the band starts composing its first own tracks. During August 2000,after a friendly split with Max,the band finds another singer, Federico Puleri,and so the line up is soon ready with Fabrizio Marnica as keyboard player.

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I checked it out. Nothing special in my opinion. Not entirely horrible, but I wouldn't buy it or listen to the entire album I think.
if you like Crystal Eyes...check out Solar Fragment....very close in sound with early Crystal Eyes.

Speaking of Crystal Eyes...thier ex-singer who was on the last 2 CD's...he is singing for Artillery now. He is on the new disc.

I love the new Artillery album.I'm still spinning the song 10,000 Devils almost on a daily basis.