Seven Seraphim - Believe In Angels

dill_the_devil Music Editor
Seven Seraphim - Believe In Angels
Scarlet Records - SC 086-2 - 2003
By Philip Whitehouse


As impressed as I am by talented musicianship, there is very little more boring to me than listening to band members aimlesssly widdling away. So, imagine my horror when, after the rather cliched 'rainfall and orchestral swell' introduction, I was faced with some fast-paced fret-wankery layered over an identical keyboard backing. Not a good start... luckily, things do improve somewhat throughout the course of the album, but generally, this is fast-paced, sypmhonic power metal of the most generic order - imagine Stratovarius and Symphony X meeting in the pub with Nuno Bettencourt from Extreme and you've pretty much nailed the band's sound.

Generally, the tracks stay in a moody, mid-tempo feel, with impressive but moderately toothless riffage coupling with choral synths and ivory-tinkling, while the practically obligatory upper-register Michael Kiske-like vocalist wails throughout, occasionally swapping to a rougher, lower vocal style. The drumming is adequate but unexceptional, and the bass guitar is generally inaudible thanks to a production job that lacks any punch in the bottom end. The songs are well-written I suppose, but they're so emotionally uninvolving and generic that it's hard to say anything too positive about them.

Overall, this is competent but achingly typical symphonic power metal. If this is an uninteresting review, then it's because the album is so bog-standard it may as well be made out of porcelain and have a seat.


Scarlet Records Website
I actually used to be really good friends with the guitar player. He is an amazing musician, and well schooled in music. I think the problem is he is too infatuated with others work and sound, to make anything interesting of his own. I hope he wil decide to stop trying to remake helloween and journey and try for his own unique vision.

He tried to get me to like Power/prog/symphonic metal, it just didnt take at all.