Seven Witches w/ Symphony X


Horatio McAllister
Feb 18, 2002
Sainte-Foy Beach
I'm going to see Seven Witches open for Symphony X tonight in Montreal and I just had an idea...

Seven Witches would be a GREAT opening act for Anthrax;
1. They play good ole kickass Heavy metal inspired by Priest-Halford-Manowar and they sound modern too
2. Current band members are among others, Joey Vera (Armored Saint) and James Rivera (Helstar/Destiny's end) both of whom are well known by the band, Anthrax that is.
3. Their new album is coming out soon on Sanctuary (Anthrax's label) as well, and after this short tour with SymphonyX I believe they'll be available for an opening slot for Anthrax somewhere in late April.

What do you think?? If you're not familiar with SW, here's a soundbite from their site:
the song is called "Dance with the dead".
