
Dec 5, 2002
So I rarely make threads here, but I felt very compelled to make a Reco thread for this band- Seven. The first thing I thought when I heard this band was "Holy fuck it's Tool playing Meshuggah" (Hint- if you dislike both of those groups you can probably safely exit the thread). This band totally threw me for a tailspin, and I'm starting to really love their sound and music. Admittedly they have quite a bit of "mainstream" influence in most songs (Deftones, NIN, etc.) but they freely acknowledge this as well. I imagine this will be a turn off for many of you, but all the same I felt the need to share!

PLEASE check out the songs- "Deadlights", "Architect" & "And the Sky Went Red". Hopefully someone else will like these guys and I can stop going crazy.

Also as a side note- the new Yob is fucking killer. If the discussion on Seven fails, please re-route to discussion of the new Yob.
What? That is not a vocoder Cara, sorry. There is slight auto-tune on some of the vocals, that is all. This band is fucking amazing, each listen reveals more.