severing of senses leads to ecstasy...


Oct 31, 2009
Sitra Ahra
it seems whenever the human sensory or awareness of self... existential ego... is done away with.. the feeling of ecstasy, enormousness etc etc follows... any comments about that??

... btw i AM talking about the experiences after taking drugs and shit... or self-hypnosis/single-thought if anyone's ever tried...o_O
I agree. But is it really lack of focus on self or is it lack of focus on the fact of self existence?

Also, I want to know your thoughts on what you called "single-thought". I'm not sure what you mean, what is it that you call this name?
I guess it is more of a spacial-coordinate-based existence that we are used to feel everyday... its not LACK of focus, its too much focus

Well, one thought is more of a cutting yourself off from the environment around you and paying sort-of extreme attention to yourself/your thoughts or something else... and rejecting EVERYTHING else.. like the feeling of listening to ambient bands when completely high, you can actually hear even the basslines so damn clearly! well i did some searching and found the correct term to be "gnosis".

also i saw a TED talk video on this... it seems a cerebral stroke also gives such a feeling... also people have described it in near-death experiences and stuff

hey btw tell me, is the topic tooooo goddamn absurd??? (not that im not interested but i guess this is not the perfect place =] )
I think people have immense difficulty clarifying these experiences, hence how it can be interpreted in a multitude of ways.

William James' Edinburgh Lectures, if I recall, illustrated that when given a typical description of a PINT moment (Passive, Ineffable, Noetic and Transient) people tended to interpret it based on their own beliefs - some religious, others more akin to the bohemian experience of the mid 20th Century.

Personally, I'm happy letting it be. I've taken E on quite a few occasions (but not any more) and the experience was overwhelmingly positive for me, and has had long lasting (positive) consequences on my psychology.
Im wondering if its a severing of senses or its effect on the chemical balance of the brain. Granted I've had times I walked across a room but floated as if without legs, but the eyes and ears and mind were all still working... differently but working. It seems maybe sleep may be when most senses are severed and look at all the bizare stuff one can dream... rarely ecstasy. Acuteness of the ears and mind is a point of interest as it seems other parts of the body lose some function. Its got to be a chemical balance thing.
@razoredge well, if referencing to chemicals you mean hormonal stuff, it might be true, but if referring to drugs, let me point out that its not the __ONLY__ way, i mean i found other stuff about indian yogis-- they achieved such a state and probably a deeper one through yoga, western shamans, buddhists, tantriks, pagan priests, etc achieved it through rituals, or sensory deprivation-- starvation and insomnia, etc modern-day people achieve it through hypnosis... a very light form of it is like the experience of watching your favorite band perform live from the front row or something, dreams are something which we all face and dont remember unless its scary... but dreams is like an ultimate platform of that state...
of course experiences might not all be good, but that just depends on how you were feeling before/ what thought dominates your mind while doing it

its remarkable though how the self changes dramatically when in and after experiencing that as pointed out by derek

but, the thing to ponder about is that such a state is like cutting off something... if i can relate that to cutting an arm off or something, it'll make no sense at all... BUT as this video says

, its actually like cutting off a part of the brain!

just wanted to know what can you make of it... i mean if nature's rule is it eliminates all weakness, then is being happy or having any kind of intense felling a weakness???

well, again sorry for the vagueness/absurdity or whatever. :ill:
Yes I failed to consider medatative stuff, one has to give Monks and such alot of credit for being so "in tune", yet at the same time feels a bit dry (sterile) to me. I think I'd still choose the heartack and pain that comes along with the stuff we can rejoice and revel over.

As for chemicals I think "recreation" drugs accomplish thier task by altering the chemical balance in the mind. But I could be wrong. The AMerican Indians had great revelations under the influence... seeing things we know are not real. Myself the various stuff I experimented with in the 70's took me through so many moods and emotions before it was over and alot of it was not so good, so again there was a trade off on emotions and all happeneing in one night it didnt take long for me to realize I didnt want to go through it often or many more times. Just like getting drunk, the hangovers should speak volumns to the stabile mind... telling it "the body aint happy!" LOL.

I've remembered both good and bad dreams though remembering has seemed to lessen over the years.

Yes many of our emotions are filled with weak moments. Everyonce in awhile they do lead to positive actions or outcomes. Again the trade off. I dont want to be sterile, dry and void... thats for deserts.
well i guess you are a pro at the drug thing... :)

all i can say is something i read somewhere: "everything is real in its own domain"
afaik the universe is based on causality... so everything has a meaning or, is because/is a cause, of something
and its only in silence (the word silence is open to interpretation) in which we can describe our true self
*** this may be off-topic :( ***
some of what you wrote sounds like the belief in fate, destiny. If you referenced that regarding American Indian Peyote (is that spelled right) induced soul searches, I would have to believe in the spirit world or divine creation, or the gods to believe dancing with spirits to be real in any domain. Im not sure what I believe in there but I always seem closest in some beiiefs to the former Natives.

Which reminds me, I was thinking about drugs and my eventual adversion to them that "some domains they take you too are better left to "The Gods"... The teritory of the Gods ! LOL
Of course this is true, lack of senses equals lack of focus equals lack of stress, in such a cycle.
it seems whenever the human sensory or awareness of self... existential ego... is done away with.. the feeling of ecstasy, enormousness etc etc follows... any comments about that??

... btw i AM talking about the experiences after taking drugs and shit... or self-hypnosis/single-thought if anyone's ever tried...o_O

taking drugs is fun