sfz is pissing me off!


It's shittay!
May 14, 2009
So, I have this orchestral MIDI that I want to render with sounds from SquidFont. However, sfz is being difficult and I don't know what the deal is. Whenever I set my program settings to correspond with the channels, sfz will reset them to whatever it feels like as soon as I hit play. Even when I change it during playback, it won't render sounds, even though the notes are within the range of the instrument. From that point on, sfz will make no sounds at all unless reset. I took some other MIDI file I have and ran it through sfz, and it worked fine as far as I can tell. Yet my file from TuxGuitar doesn't seem to work. What do?

EDIT: Through magic I guess, I somehow got the notes to play when ran through sfz. It happened once though. I don't understand how it works.
I've had the same issues when exporting/importing MIDI from different DAWs..
What worked for me was to import the MIDI into Awave studio.. then run a repair-MIDI-thingy.. Export it and then import it into Reaper.. then it worked perfectly..
Yeah, that's what I'm using right now. I just bought a set of pickups for my guitar and I'm trying to not buy anything else. Trust me, if I could I would have an actual orchestral plug-in. As it is though, I'm using sfz. I'll try both of those things mentioned.
So the Awave thing didn't work. Whenever I press stop, the Controller on each channel sets all the values to 0. Could that be the problem?
I like soundfonts :/

Granted, I always actually perform the parts I record with them and have no idea how well they play with all this confounded midi mumbo-jumbo

First full length I recorded was with soundfont drums and bass and a soundblaster 16. Haha!
Soundfonts are so 90's lol.
I still have AWE32 somewhere in the closet. The card is like half meters long, lol.

To the OP: If you imported from Tuxguitar, the midi file(s) most likely have program change messages in each channel so delete those to avoid SFZ resetting.