Sgt. D Figure


About a year and a half ago there was a link on the Anthrax site, that showed a prototype of a Sgt. D figure that was to go into production that year(2002). Anyway, I never did do my homework & find out if it was ever even issued. Does anyone know if it was scrapped? :confused:
A friend of mine collects toys/figures, in one of his mags they had pics of some Eddie figures that looked cool. There was some other wild stuff in there.... figures of Devo and They Might Be Giants !!!!!!!! I wanted those They Might Be Giants figures soooooo bad! Who in their right mind thought of putting out figures for those dudes?! I've never seen them anywhere and am guessing that they never came out. Never saw a Sgt. D one either but would pick it up if I did just for the wackyness of it!
Grenno, a They Might Be Giants fan? Ok, my friend, you cannot say a WORD about my love for Jimmy Buffett! haha Just giving you a hard time....Anyways...It would be cool if McFarlane could do a Sgt D figure! That would be as the brits say, "spot on"! I went on the McFarlane toys site a year or so ago and emailed them saying why not do an ED VAN HALEN figure or even MOTLEY CRUE SHOUT AT THE DEVIL ERA figures. I, of course, got no reply, but if they would make those I'd first shit the bed and second save some dough and buy a set!
tedvanfrehley said:
Grenno, a They Might Be Giants fan? Ok, my friend, you cannot say a WORD about my love for Jimmy Buffett! haha Just giving you a hard time....Anyways...It would be cool if McFarlane could do a Sgt D figure! That would be as the brits say, "spot on"! I went on the McFarlane toys site a year or so ago and emailed them saying why not do an ED VAN HALEN figure or even MOTLEY CRUE SHOUT AT THE DEVIL ERA figures. I, of course, got no reply, but if they would make those I'd first shit the bed and second save some dough and buy a set!

Oh come on Ted, those 2 nerds in They Might Be Giants could kick Buffett's ass any day of the week. :lol:

Ted, the idea of Shout At The Devil Crue figures is BRILLIANT!!!!!!!! I'd buy those in a heart beat! The only McFarlane toys I have are the first KISS figures he did. Anyone here have any of the KISS dolls from the 70's? I still have my Peter "action figure". :) My brothers had all 4 but a few years ago Mom tells me she sold them in a yard sale!!!! AArrrrggghhhh!!
I voted on the mcfarlane site so they could do slayer figures instead of slipknot, anybody know what happened with that?

and I would love for mcfarlane to do a king diamond figure, that would be the day!
Yeah, don't know about the Sgt. D figure. I do have the Iron Maiden Trooper one and I have an Eddie bobblehead I found at Spencer Gifts of all places. I would immediately purchase the King Diamond one were it ever to surface. If it doesn't come with the bone-cross microphone, wash the whole thing!
it was.the weekend was a keerang weekender-about 50 bands playing on two stages,friday saturday and sunday-jerry cantrell,the lost prophets,illnino raging speedhorn and the darkness among others,with me out of my skull on jagermiester running around with a sgt d mask on.great days!
just for it-cantrell won hands down,he was fkin awsome.
Show No Mercy-era Slayer action figures would be awesome! I should probably get some KISS ones...I only like two of their songs and hate their commerciality but you can't deny that they look dead cool...
I got both the Eddie Figures, numerous KISS figures, I got James & Kirk from Metallicash, I'm into what they are doing with the football figures. I got Michael Vick's new one. I missed the boat on last year's & now they are going for like $50.00 to $75.00 on Ebay. I'm on the hunt for the Angus Young figure.
I would like to see a Shout at the Devil era CRUE set. Andlike previously mentioned Slayer.