Shadows Fall/Damaged Plan/Haunted: in San francisco tonight

sounds cool make sure a detailed review follows,i like damageplan,i think there first album was good but i dont think we will truly be able to make a judgement on them until after next album,the first album was just to get established and get away from pantera,the next one will tuly shine,i hope they are a good live band
Man i got home from the show at 1:15 and got up at 4:30 and here i sit at work.... I am so freaking tired......

San Francisco
The Grand
November 11, 2004

HAUNTED setlist

No Compromise
Dark Intentions
Burry Your Dead
In Vein
All Against All
Hallow Ground
Hate Song

Thursday brought the trio of SHADOWS FALL, DAMAGED PLAN and THE HAUNTED to the Grand in San Francisco. THE HAUNTED would perform for the first time in the Bay Area with Peter Dolving(who was their original vocalist and has since returned.)

THE HAUNTED hit stage and hit the stage they did like heavy sledgehammer. The band had great stage presence, while Dolving acted like a deranged lunitic on stage. The band played a good arrangement between their 4 released albums. Dolving provided good reditions of the tunes that were composed during the Marco Aro era and I actually perferred his verisions. The crowd slowly filled in the auditorium while the HAUNTED was on stage, by the time the HAUNTED had ended, 60% of the auditorium had filled up.

As they say, "If you've got nothing nice to say, don't say it anyway." If it were only that easy. In short words, DAMAGEPLAN was quite boring. I must have missed something as all the jocks went crazy during their set, while I failed to feel any excitement for them. UNTIL THEY PLAYED SOME PANTERA, they did play "Walk."

Next up was SHADOWS FALL. They played songs from The Art Of Balance" and "The War Within". Shadows Fall kick fucking Ass. iF YOU DON'T HAVE
The War Within go get it......:headbang:
I saw Damageplan in the spring and I would agree with your review. A lot of rock star posing and very, very little energy. To top it off, the singer bitched the whole time about the crowd not getting into it (well show a little energy, just don't stand there with one foot on the monitor screaming into your mic, looking for the next hot chick to crowd surf to the front)

Hatebreed opened for them and completely blew them off the stage.
CyThrax said:
I saw Damageplan in the spring and I would agree with your review. A lot of rock star posing and very, very little energy. To top it off, the singer bitched the whole time about the crowd not getting into it (well show a little energy, just don't stand there with one foot on the monitor screaming into your mic, looking for the next hot chick to crowd surf to the front)

Hatebreed opened for them and completely blew them off the stage.
Thats funny he did the same thing last night.... Bitched about the crowd.
thanks for the review,i will have to reserve judgement on damageplan till thery get to australia butfrommwhat u say i am a little worried,its the frontman job to get the crowd going not moan about them doing nothing.
The singer of Damageplan threatened the crowd in San Antonio, it was something along the lines of "come on, we can't hear you, if you guys don't get louder, we're gonna cut the set short, do you want that?" I was telling my friends that I don't ever remember a band threatening an audience like that, it was very lame in my opinion. What made up for it was that Randy Blythe from Lamb Of God and some of the guys from Shadows Fall got on stage and sang during their rendition of Walk, and everyone was going insane. I took lots of pictures when that happened, hopefully they come out decent.
I remember seeing some video-clip from an Ozzfest gig with Pantera and how fucking lame it was, you could see Phil was not into it, and it was all posing and drinking mugs with beer. It made me cringe, it´s sad when bands stay together for the money and you can clearly see everyone up on stage wishing they were somewhere else.