shall I trade my SL-1 for a Savage?

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
I don't know...
I'm not the biggest Engl fan, but the Savage120 is pretty cool and it could be a nice addition for the studio......

then again my SL-1 is like brandnew and the price of a SL-1 in Germany is about 500€ higher than the price for a savage...

I'm not sure.....what would you do?
as you know, I'm playing a SL-1 and I would NEVER sell it or trade it for something else. You will miss her, believe me. I would definetly NOT do it!

On the other hand, you're a producer and need some special gear and from this point of view it could be a wise change. Or save some money if its not urgent to get a new amp and look for a savage on ebay or quoka!
as you know, I'm playing a SL-1 and I would NEVER sell it or trade it for something else. You will miss her, believe me. I would definetly NOT do it!

On the other hand, you're a producer and need some special gear and from this point of view it could be a wise change.

yeah, the SL-1 is lovely, but I've got plenty of high quality guitars that are at least as good....
the Engl would pprobably be used more often than the SL-1
Do it man.

I would, with no second thought.

We all know your opinion about ENGL in general:heh:
but what if you are about to record a band and they want that engl sound???
if so you've answered your question by yourself:) I've owned the savage and i have to say, its a very versatile amp and its a good investion. But if its not urgent....
Do it man.

I would, with no second thought.

We all know your opinion about ENGL in general:heh:
but what if you are about to record a band and they want that engl sound???

Well, I do like the savage and the Blackmore, good amps, the blacky used to be my main amp for a couple of years...
I just really hate the powerball...cause it's shit! :D

also....this might sound snobish, but I'd actually like to have one of my other amps twice....
for some reason I don't like using my studio amps for live/ it would be great to have a second Recto/5150/über/krank for that purpose......the more reasonable thing to do is of course get another flavour for the studio...
also through the splawn endorsement I've been offered recently another option would be the nitro....I would still have to sell something to buy that one though (it's not an 100% Endorsement) Nitro or Savage.....I guess the Engl is more different to my other amps, so it would be the smarter choice?
dunno, it somehow just feels weird to have an amp that expensive that is so poorly/cheaply built....

then again...I like the sound of the Savage....just lacking some meat, but I've got the other amps for that.....

I'm confused

Goddamn Guitar is really getting great sounds from it...
if I imagine that paired with the rawness of the Über or Reto the result should be bonerushing
I just really hate the powerball...cause it's shit! :D

There can be only one......powerball:

it would be a good choice to have a savage. as you said it has its special flavour and its build solid like a rock.
which one would you get? not an SE I guess?

If 500 bucks of the SL-1 doesn't hurt you much go for it!

And I keep my Boogie, haha:lol:
Well, I do like the savage and the Blackmore, good amps, the blacky used to be my main amp for a couple of years...
I just really hate the powerball...cause it's shit! :D

also....this might sound snobish, but I'd actually like to have one of my other amps twice....
for some reason I don't like using my studio amps for live/ it would be great to have a second Recto/5150/über/krank for that purpose......the more reasonable thing to do is of course get another flavour for the studio...
also through the splawn endorsement I've been offered recently another option would be the nitro....I would still have to sell something to buy that one though (it's not an 100% Endorsement) Nitro or Savage.....I guess the Engl is more different to my other amps, so it would be the smarter choice?
dunno, it somehow just feels weird to have an amp that expensive that is so poorly/cheaply built....

then again...I like the sound of the Savage....just lacking some meat, but I've got the other amps for that.....

I'm confused

Goddamn Guitar is really getting great sounds from it...
if I imagine that paired with the rawness of the Über or Reto the result should be bonerushing

It's not that poorly built. My Savage has been puked on, beered on, thrown around, dropped from a car and it still works fine... I don't think you will get dissapointed. And if you get one and don't want to keep it I can buy it from you.
I would say yes without a doubt, but when I read that it might be between the Nitro and Savage, I gotta vote Nitro, cuz I'm dying to hear some awesome clips of it! :D
I'd Say the savage bro cause none of your amps sound anything like an engl. plus you already have amps that have that marshall like sound. and while the nitro is fucking awesome. it would be cool to add another different flavor then one you already have with more spice.
Savage without a doubt!

I like Splawns, and have played a quickrod, but something about their midrange rubs me the wrong way.


Mainly cuz I want to hear the amazing clips you will post with it. :)

How often do you have bands in that are looking for that Engl sound? If that happens often it would make sense to get the Savage. If it doesn't happen often, and with your amp selection I can't see it being a lot, I'd get the Nitro and a second 5150 ('cause I'm greedy like that). Of course I don't know how big the discount is on the Splawn endorsement.