Shameless self-promotion: new interview online

Very cool interview, Glenn

A couple of quotes that had me laughing my booty off.

"If you want chicken, go to a fast food chain. If you want Filet Mignon, then come to the steak house."

"It's also quite the experience to work with bands that you idolize. Of course, you have to kick a few of them in the ass after you kiss it."

Looking forward to some Filet Mignon of metal! :headbang:

FataMorgana said:
Very cool interview, Glenn

A couple of quotes that had me laughing my booty off.

"If you want chicken, go to a fast food chain. If you want Filet Mignon, then come to the steak house."

"It's also quite the experience to work with bands that you idolize. Of course, you have to kick a few of them in the ass after you kiss it."

Looking forward to some Filet Mignon of metal! :headbang:


Now I can see why ProgPower has so many loyal fans! Very interesting read!

And thanks for adding Redemption to the lineup! I am really enjoying the album, and hopefully I can see them play at ProgPower or elsewhere!
"I'm a trauma nurse in the ER."

Yet another lame-ass stereotype out the window of us metalheads being cracked out uneducated delinquents. See you all in September.
Good interview. I think they do a great job over there at Metal Rules; it's probably my favorite metal website.

I liked the section about Stratovarius. It was good to get at least a little insight as to why they aren't appearing (though I'm sure no one is shocked that it was all about money).
Nice interview. Thanks for the link. A little shameless self-promotion can't hurt once in a while :)

I don't read many Metal-pubs (just the music, folks--I burned out on press & hype years ago :)), but I took some time to peruse Metal-Rules. My jaw is still on the floor a bit: they really laid into the PoS set from last year's show. Everyone's entitled to their opinion, but I really enjoyed that band. Oh well.

That interview was most triumphant (sorry just got finished watching Bill and Ted's Excelent Adventure)! It is always very interesting to get a little insight as to what goes into the show and how things are done.
Great interview Glenn,, but "milk bone underwear"?