Shameless self promotion

Town of Tristam is awesome. Moving Earth has some pretty cool parts,especiually that part at 5:36 and on. Reminds me of B-head a bit. Some cool leads. In MX2, there's a lot of skill shown, but I'm not exactly into it. The other one came out all staticy and choppy for somereason so I didn't bother listening for very long. Pretty cool overall. I think i dig the mellow side more than the heavy.
Loved the Tristram song from Diablo :kickass: As I love that game and Diablo II (which I played for 3 years). The Eastern influenced song is nice too, but at the end the sound gets crappy and distracts you. Anyways, could you put some download links for the 4 songs? MySpace won't let download, only listen.

Thanks for the comments. I'll enable downloading on the myspace page.

The hyperarab is a total joke tune that I did for someone else on myspace so he could have that song for his profile. I used a bagpipe mouthpiece to get some "eastern" sounds. I should remove it and put something cooler there.


I put Psychotic Mexican Papaya back up. It's essentially the title track from Electric Paella.

Some notes on the songs:
Town of Tristram features an Irish Tin Whistle for the "flute" parts.
MX2 WavModem was done in about 2 hours just so I could see how my new ESP MX2 sounds. :)
The song reminds me of something I would have written for a thrash/death metal band I was in for many years. (Humanity Raped)
Of course I recorded it using a crappy ass computer mic dangling in front of my Crate GX-60, so it sounds like shit.
It's still a great guitar though....miles above and beyond my LTD Deluxe M-1000, which I sold.

I added the download links so you can get them.

Thanks again.