Share your Fears!


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
Do any of you guys have any specific phobias? I saw Willard last night (the recent remake with Crispin Glover) and I'll admit to having a phobia of rats. I gotta say, that film made me friggin' squirm. It was a pretty decent flick btw.

They say you're supposed to confront your fears, but I say fukdat. Kill every rat on the planet, that's what I say. Even those so called 'domesticated' vermin shit cuntchop rodent pets.

I don't like heights either. I get slight vertigo, but I'm not as bad as Mel Brooks in High Anxiety.
I just don't like the fact that if a plane crashes, you are dead. There is practically no way you are coming out alive. And those few seconds/minutes before the crash are probably so unbearable we can't even imagine.
I'd rather be maimed than dead.

And yes, I understand that flying is safr than driving, BUT a person has a better chance of surviving a car wreck than they do a plane crash. Plus, I like that my fate is somewhat in my hands and not totally in the hands of a pilot that might have had a few....
Try driving in some asian countries, you might as well drive yourself into a pole just to get it over with.

Ferris Wheels even the small ones scare the crap outta me, I don't know why. I have no real fear of heights. :err: Doctors and Dentist scare me, I get really tense and anxious when ever I go in to these places
Getting my blood drawn. :ill:

I don't like my veins fucked with AT ALL, and unfortunately my nurse woman knows that so when I'm attacking her she pinpoints specific sensitive veins and I get all weird and crouch into the fetal position.
See, needles aren't bad. Shots don't bother me (never had an IV), it's a needle going in and taking stuff out that gets to me. Guess I'll never do heroin, shucks. :loco:
Dreamlord said:
I just don't like the fact that if a plane crashes, you are dead. There is practically no way you are coming out alive. And those few seconds/minutes before the crash are probably so unbearable we can't even imagine.
100% agree , my biggest fear .
Try driving in some asian countries, you might as well drive yourself into a pole just to get it over with.
Oh man, for me that was a true adrenaline rush. I thoroughly enjoyed those nutty cab rides around Thailand and Vietnam because you never knew if you were actually gonna make it!

I'm terrified of fat flying roaches. It's ridiculous that roaches can survive nuclear explosions - I bet they're made of the same material as the black box recorder! :)
I live in an area with no roaches. I guess its the altitude. One thing that I would be scared of if I actually encountered is sharks. Again, I live in the mountains so there isn't much chance of that, but if I was ever out in the Pacific ocean trying to swim to shore, I'd be frantic.
@Weapon X: Man, I'm completely terrified of ferris wheels too, and I have no idea why. I'll ride any roller coaster, but fuck ferris wheels. When I was like 13 or 14, I rode one of those double ones so I didn't look like a wuss in front of my friends. I nearly shit my pants.