Sharon Osbourne.........Slept With Randy Rhoads...?

Deadly Embrace

Feb 27, 2002
Bay Area
SHARON OSBOURNE: 'I Had A Great Friendship With RANDY RHOADS' - Dec. 4, 2003

Sharon Osbourne has spoken to TV's "Extra" about the reports that she cheated on her husband, Ozzy Osbourne, with his guitarist during the early '80s, Randy Rhoads.

On her show talk show, Osbourne said, "So it comes out now, and it is all twisted and people are saying I cheated on my husband."

"Extra" went straight to Osbourne to let her set the record straight. She says, "Yes, I do want to set it straight. Before my husband and I actually were engaged, before we were married, I had a great friendship, as did my husband, with Randy." However, she says, "I definitely wasn't married to my husband at the time. Randy died before my husband and I were married."

Osbourne addresses the rumors and shares the whole story on "The Sharon Osbourne Show" Friday (Dec. 5), where she's joined by guests Jessica Alba, Billy Bob Thornton, Jami Gertz, and Donna Summer.

Check out the "Extra" segment on Sharon Osbourne in Real Media format by clicking here.

From BlabberMouth.Net
No shit Val. Randy Rhoads has ALWAYS been one of my ultimate "guitar heroes" when I was growing up , now I have to have part of my image of him ruined as well? It's like the Osbournes didn't ruin enough of their own image, they have to pull poor Randy Rhoads down with them to their MTV level? That's just fucked if you ask me. Even if this is really true, so what Sharron? Keep it to yourself and keep Randy's memory sacred.
.......speaking of..
has anyone of you seen the awful new video of Ozzy and Kelly?

i mean... i knew ozzy is stupid, but godamn.

for the record: i think he is an amazing artist, its just this damn show that makes him look like a retarded old geezer...
oh well.
Dead_Lioness said:
.......speaking of..
has anyone of you seen the awful new video of Ozzy and Kelly?

i mean... i knew ozzy is stupid, but godamn.

for the record: i think he is an amazing artist, its just this damn show that makes him look like a retarded old geezer...
oh well.
And people wonder why Jason wanted to leave Ozzy. I think it's a no brainer:Smug:
my mom and I were talking about a month ago about whether Sharon really had cancer, and I told her straight up that I thought it was just a stunt to keep the Osbournes name in the paper.

Since then, Ozzy's been molested, and now Sharon slept with RR. I mean come on.... its been over 20 years and she chooses to drag this up now?

I just can't believe anything the Osbournes say, and think that they have no qualms whatsoever making things up to keep people interested. Anyone that believes this is true needs to have their head examined.
SHARON OSBOURNE Talks About The RANDY RHOADS Sexual Encounter - Dec. 7, 2003

Sharon Osbourne appeared on the "Howard Stern Show" on Friday (December 5) to discuss her family's upcoming book, "Ordinary People: Our Story", and the recent revelation that she cheated on Ozzy in 1980 with his then-guitarist Randy Rhoads.

According to a synopsis of Friday's show (as reported by, "Howard asked Sharon Osbourne about the claims she made about sleeping with Randy [Rhoads] back before she and Ozzy were married. Howard said he knows that the book company probably asked them to reveal some stuff they never revealed before and this is what Sharon came up with. Howard and Robin heard that Ozzy can't even talk about it since hearing about this. Sharon kept saying that she and Ozzy weren't married at the time so she wasn't cheating. Howard said that she was in a relationship with Ozzy though and this shouldn't have come out. Howard went on to tell her that she's so well taken care of being Ozzy's wife. He told her that Ozzy has given her the best life.

"Howard told Sharon that if his wife told him something like that, it would be embarrassing to him. He said she should never have done that. Sharon said she was not married and Ozzy was still married to his wife Thelma at the time. Sharon said this was all back in 1980. Howard said that Randy died in 1982 and asked her if she'd had sex with a corpse. She didn't sound like she was in the mood to hear that though. Sharon went on to tell Howard how she and Ozzy were together for about a month and Ozzy's wife didn't know about it at the time. She had to leave his house one night and she went off with Randy. They got drunk and had sex. That was all that happened according to her. Sharon told Ozzy about the incident the day after it happened, and Ozzy whacked her.

"Howard said that Sharon was heavy back then so he was even more impressed that she was able to get guys. He wondered what she's able to do to get guys like that. He wondered if it's oral or anal or what... He said she must have some vagina control or something. He said that Randy could have had any woman he wanted back then and he picked her for some reason. She said she is kind of sorry that she wrote this in her book and didn't want to ever embarrass Ozzy by doing so. She told Robin that she adores Ozzy and could never cheat on someone. She said she was only with him for one month at the time so it wasn't like they were in a serious relationship at the time. She told Howard he was making it sound like she'd slept with the entire English Army. Howard said Ozzy could probably deal with that better than her sleeping with his best friend.

"Howard asked Sharon if all of her kids are actually Ozzy's. He and Artie goofed on that for a minute and joked that she'd had Randy killed because her oldest daughter was actually his. She said her oldest is 20 years old and Randy died 23 years ago.

"Sharon said she only slept with Randy one time. Howard said he remembers a girl cheating on him with one of his best friends and nothing hurts like that. Howard continued to ask Sharon if she performed oral on Randy. She said that they just had regular sex. She also said she kept most of her clothes on when that happened. She said Ozzy is the only one she's slept with with all of her clothes off. She said Randy didn't use a rubber back then because it was the '80's. Howard wanted to know where Randy's 'DNA' ended up. She said she couldn't remember that far back. Howard asked if he banged her from behind. She said her knickers were down to her ankles and the rest of her clothes were on. Artie asked if he banged her over a drunk Ozzy. Sharon didn't seem to think that was very funny at all. She told Howard that she was jealous of Ozzy's wife back then and that's why she slept with Randy. Howard said he thinks that's why Ozzy shakes these days. It's all because she told him about sleeping with Randy. Howard also asked her if she ever gave Tony Iommi oral. Sharon's reply was negative.

"Howard also brought up how Jack is getting laid like crazy. He lost his virginity at 14 and he doesn't even think sex is special anymore because he can get laid so easy. Sharon eventually said that she should have kept her mouth shut about that part of her life. Sharon said that she cares what Howard thinks of her even though she doesn't care about what anyone else thinks. Sharon said the book doesn't come out until January."

From BlabberMouth.Net

Now she sounds like a cheating Whore.............and thats terrible she mentions it in her book(just to sell more copies & make more money), thats fucked up to embarrsass Ozzy(the one she loves), and all this must hurt him more, especially since everyones talking about it & getting more & more press........If you hurt someone you love, then just keep it to yourself, especially if the other guy died, only Ozzy should be the one to talk about it(if he wanted to).......I wonder what Randy would have said, if he was still alive, I bet she sugarcoated it, hard to say if it was just a one time deal........poor Ozzy...........some things should just remain secret........
Damn, after reading this...........I'm going to go and buy the book. Sounds like some good shit. You know the old shouldn't shit in your own back yard. And Fuck howard stern with his comment about Ozzy shaking. I've always hated that loud mouth prick. Then again, he holds nothing back. And Howards butt, now that is butt ugly! :)
~I have nothing bad to say about Sharon. I mean she is what she is, everyone makes mistakes, and a lot of people cheat on other people. But she got Ozzy out of his room eating take-out and doing drugs for six months after he was fired from Sabbath. She's stuck by him even though he's been violent with her and tried to kill her at least once in the past. And she and Ozzy are genuinely in love with each other. But from watching the Osbournes DVDs however I can tell you that she has no qualms about lying if she doesn't think it will hurt anyone. For instance when she and Kelly, and probably Aimee go shopping they have to lie to Ozzy so that he isn't worried about where the money's all going. The same with buying new pets and other things. This is what women do. Maybe that's taking advantage of him, but Ozzy's not stupid. When he tells them not to buy new pets and he sees one that he doesn't recognize, he knows that they've gone behind his back. Maybe this kind of behavior will come to some serious confrontation, maybe it won't. But I do agree that bringing this out in public has to be cruel for Ozzy. Now whether it happened when Sharon was with Ozzy or not that's anyone's guess. Sharon says otherwise, but she also says that she didn't get naked for anyone but Ozzy. Which reads like the headline of the Daily Bollocks. She said it herself, she's not Mother Teresa. And she is always on about what actors she'd love to boink. So maybe she isn't the most tactful woman, but I'd get with her.