she must never waken, from her CRIMSON sleep


in the soil beneath
Nov 17, 2004
Austin, Texas
I'd like to see Crimson I and II put together and have a movie out of it.....I watch Japan anime and I think some of the darker, more brutal art work would go could with the setting and theme of the crimson album's
that would be kinda cool...
like interstella 5555 made from Daft Punk's Discovery album...
would be nice to have the "Death's Design" animation movie too
Heliotropic_Rose said:
I'd like to see Crimson I and II put together and have a movie out of it.....I watch Japan anime and I think some of the darker, more brutal art work would go could with the setting and theme of the crimson album's

I always thought Crimson would make a nice graphic novel. Maybe a fictional novel would work too, one that combines the Breathing Shadow and Crimson? :) *gets to typing*
Heliotropic_Rose said:
I'd like to see Crimson I and II put together and have a movie out of it.....I watch Japan anime and I think some of the darker, more brutal art work would go could with the setting and theme of the crimson album's
U'd bet your ass I'll be the first person to buy the tickets for it ;)
breeding death said:
i hate anime...fantazy for kids
completely false :lol: there are anime horror series, and any other genre you can imagine.

The only difference between anime and live-action is the method of creation. both formats have characters, plots, and so forth. Live action requires a physical set backdrop and physical people (though these days, live-action movies are more "anime" than you think with the increased use of digital effects and digital manipulations for 'spectacular' sequences) wheras anime uses drawn and colored images. Both are capable of creating amazing stories, and both are capable of creating utter crap films.
^ yeah that's kinda of what I was heading toward......and to the gay who said anime is fantasy for should watch movies like AKIRA, Ghost in the Shell, Bastard!!, and I could go on and on........all of the project GIBLI movies are kid oriented, but they're some of my favorite movies of all time.........I was thinking more like a darker anime style like AKIRA, or the MANGA Berserk! which is awesome!
ok ok, dont take it so hard. wasnt suppose to offend u guys,
but btw...i agree with george haha :p
my eyes and ears arent made for look/hear at colored figures saying.
-i challenge u
-be my guest
"fight" hiya, powhiea! kingo bajaras kuloirajta sukuria molokizu dieeeee!!!
really laughable in a bad way. ^^
breeding death said:
ok ok, dont take it so hard. wasnt suppose to offend u guys,
but btw...i agree with george haha :p
my eyes and ears arent made for look/hear at colored figures saying.
-i challenge u
-be my guest
"fight" hiya, powhiea! kingo bajaras kuloirajta sukuria molokizu dieeeee!!!
really laughable in a bad way. ^^
When we're saying "Ghost In The Shell" we're not talking "Pokemon". :loco:

I also used to be negative to anime, since I've seen lots of crap anime while flipping through channels. But then I watched "Ghost In The Shell" and it totally changed my view on anime. Of course, I still think there's a lot of crappy anime out there, but there's also a bunch of good anime with great stories, etc. Ask around and/or do some searching on the net and you will probably be able to tell the good ones from the bad ones.

A few tips on good anime:
* Ghost In The Shell (I'd recommend you see this one first)
* Spirited Away
* Akira
I watched Cowboy Bebop and Trigun...heh. Those are the only ones I've bothered watching...otherwise anime bores me badly. Probably because I like funny American (Or European) stuff and not what the Japanese people think is funny.

It's possible for me to get into it again if I really wanted to though.
Tubbs Mcgee said:
I watched Cowboy Bebop and Trigun...heh. Those are the only ones I've bothered watching...otherwise anime bores me badly. Probably because I like funny American (Or European) stuff and not what the Japanese people think is funny.

It's possible for me to get into it again if I really wanted to though.

Bebop is amazing, artistically anime but it resembles a more conventional type of episodic storytelling, with great music. It is a very human show, funny, lighthearted, with really tragic moments. It's probably its own genre of cartoon.

The Bebop movie is also amazing, I'd recommend that movie / series to anyone who just likes good entertainment. It's for everyone, even people who don't like anime.
yeah, well I'm glad some of you guys back me up in the anime thing, I love it, I used to be obsessed with it, now I'm just obsessed with music, but yeah there is a lot of crappy anime and your not gonna find it on tv, well maybe some on adult swim, but that's about it, and hell I don't blame you for not wanting to go out of your way to find good anime, I'm just saying a bad ass animated movie would go perfect with Crimson I and II in my mind, that's all
Forget an animated feature of Dan's epic story...

I was talking more like DW Griffith's Birth of a Nation or Erich von Stroheim's Greed

maybe perhaps Fritz Lang's Metropolis
i used to watch silver fang in my younger days, but that was back then...and now my friend tryied to make me watch anime films called "naruto" and "alucard" but i didnt enjoy watching noone of bad but hey, it could be worse