"She" - the musical/rock opera!


PQ member
Jan 8, 2002
Southampton, UK
The official She premiere

The band will perform 'She' project on 31st October 2007 at the Wyspianski Theatre, Katowice, Poland. The musical version of 'She' is based on the classic novel of the same name by Victorian adventure writer H. Rider Haggard.

The concert will be filmed for the future DVD release which will accompany the 2 CD album, set for release on 21st January 2008. This represents the culmination of the last two years' work, and will feature a host of musicians as well as eye catching visuals and dramatic stage show.

More details...follow the link below!


Watch out for the appearance of one of the PQ guys as part of the band.....who could it be?:loco:
What an awesome experience this turned out to be. Some fantastic musicians, a great venue....fantastic support bands in Oliver Wakeman and Pallas! All in all...superb!

DVD is due out on 28.1.08 along with a double album as well I believe!