SHIFT - new band

From time to time I'm asked what ever happened to Mystic-Force. I've been biting my tounge for a while now, but the time has come to make it known that Rich and Chris have formed a new band. (yes, Mystic-Force is still together, but with new members)
Both Rich & Chris left Mystic-Force some time ago for their own personal reasons. Shortly thereafter they teamed up with vocalist Jeff Caudle of Baltimore based band Cypher. They've recently added Steve Shaffer, who some of you may remember as a member of Mystic-Force for a short time... many moons ago. Steve was playing in a very popular cover band, BURN with Chris Lembach. Doug Guthrie, also of BURN has also become a welcome addition to the SHIFT line-up.
The rest of the info you can get on their homepage:
There are three songs available on the SHIFT site.
Let us know what you think.