Shit getting stolen


Dec 15, 2007
I'm wondering whether something like this has ever happened to anyone else.

Last sunday I went to the pub with some mates, which was only 8 miles away so I decided to bike. I'm into my biking, so I've got a nice 4x racing style hardtail with some nice components on it. The component configuration was probably worth around £850. Got there at 8:30, and came out at 10:30.

Some cunt had seen the bike, gone home to get some bolt cutters, and cut through the bike lock in one big cut. I couldn't believe it, that people do shit like that. It was outside a pub, clearly lit and usually with people outside smoking, attached to a tree with a 12mm guage kevlar reinforced bike lock, and it still got stolen.

We called the police and as per normal they will most likely do nothing. Called the insurance company and they said they'd probably cover it under personal possesions. Called them today to check everything was well, and apparently we're not covered because a bike is not a personal possesion and you need to pay them even more to cover it. Small print. They'll do nothing at all, and happilly continue to take your money.

I'm astonished at how this can happen, someone will take your things, never think twice about it and the only person ever to get punished is you.

Morals of the story-
People are cunts and they'll steal without thinking of the people they're stealing from.
Insurance is a joke unless you check your policy very very carefully and make every detail clear. Any oppertunity those people can have to take your money while doing nothing for you, they will take.
Bike locks don't work. If you have an expensive bike, go to a hardware store, find the hardest, biggest, strongest chain you can, and ask if they can cut it down to size. If they say no, thats the chain to get.

If I ever see someone riding that bike, I will put them in hospital for weeks.


Called the insurance company and they said they'd probably cover it under personal possesions. Called them today to check everything was well, and apparently we're not covered because a bike is not a personal possesion and you need to pay them even more to cover it. Small print. They'll do nothing at all, and happilly continue to take your money.


If you took all the money you've given that company over the years, how many identical bikes would you have been able to purchase? They may as well be accomplices to the bike theft.

My condolences man. Keep an eye out for it on the market. More than likely the dude stole it to sell it. Thieves and rapists get on my nerves like no other. Oh and people who talk on their cell phones in theaters. A thief stole your bike, and the insurance company is raping you without the common courtesy of a reach-around.

And somewhere that bastard thief is probably bragging about his new aquisition on a cell phone in a theater.
My venue was broken into last night. They broke through a small window and passed beer and liquor out the window. Fortunately nothing audio related was stolen so we are still going to be able to put on shows this weekend.

They had 2 monitors wedges sitting by the window but they were too big to fit through the window. :lol:
I guess they never thought of taking them out through the back door? haha.

They didn't want to open the doors because there is an alarm system, but we have motion sensors too. I didn't even know said window was there because it was covered by wood and drywall, and I've worked at the venue for 6 years.
post in the classifieds looking for a bike, report to police, go to the pawn shops, call everybody so they call their friends, you never know if the pricks are stupid enough to sell it now.
Thanks guys :) I'm keeping an eye on ebay, and tommorow afternoon will be spent calling all the local bike shops, as many as I can within the area to see if it comes up. I'm trawling through forums and ebay to see if it shows up anywhere. My close friends in the village where it got stollen are looking out all the time for it as well, however if they see someone riding it there's really not a lot they can do, being petite and female :lol:

As for insurance, I'm not sure how as a society we managed to let this get so out of hand, and how we let people get so astonishingly greedy. We are incredibly honest when it comes to claiming on insurance and we get nothing in return. What to do? There's nothing we can do, as we've let the insurance companies get a chokehold already. It just annoys me that they don't even have to pretend to give a fuck.
This story just goes to show that there are two kinds of theiving cunts:

1. Theiving cunts who steal your shit.

2. Theiving cunts who run insurance companies.

and I suppose there's theiving cunts who work in the government aswell. So 3 types of theiving cunts.

How the fuck an insurance company can try to say that a bike isn't classed as personal property is beyond me!
sucks to hear about your even more to hear that your insurance won't cover it

i recently sold a bunch of security cameras to a guy whose shop had been broken into, and he had $30,000 worth of tools and machinery stolen. his insurance company only gave him $8,000 to cover it all, claiming that the value of the items had depreciated. that may be true in the sense of resale value, but not in terms of the cost to replace them, and it's fucking sickening that after making monthly payments for 20+ years, the lone claim that he filed ended up falling way short of the value of the items.

of course his story could be BS, but i don't consider it outside the realm of possibility. all i know is that unemployment here is over 11%, most jobs that are around have cut back on hours, benefits, and starting pay, and there's SHITLOADS of heroin junkies all over the place. it was bad enough a few years back when there were tons of little shitheads running around tweaked out on oxycontins, but thanks to the efforts of afghan farmers, dudes are going straight to the needle now, and will steal anything they can to pay for it. fuckers.
Dude I totally sympathize with you- same thing happened to me... twice.

I had two bikes stolen from the racks outside my appartment building in downtown Toronto. The first one was a piece of junk (technically kid's sized) so I figured no one would ever steal it and just had it locked with a thin braided cable lock. After it got stolen I got a new better bike (probably worth $150) and locked it with TWO separate locks only to find BOTH locks cut clean through the MORNING AFTER I GOT IT. It was like they left the locks there to mock me. I was going mental and was on the verge of planting a third bike myself and just camping out with a baseball bat. Worse yet I went to the police station to report the bikes and they turned me away saying all stolen bike reports must be filed online. I was a mess for weeks. This is why we need Batman- vigilante justice ftw.
Everything you guys are saying is exactly why I find a way to engrave my name/initials on nearly everything I own. Usually in some unsuspecting place as well purely so if I ever have to go through the motions, I can identify my property to authorities/whoever by telling them exactly where my hidden name/initials are.
+1 to burning down insurance companies headquarters, wait, what? I could have sworn thats where all this was headed... anyway, if anyone feels up to it, let me know :rock:

Pretty much. My car can be stolen or damaged by fire but if flood damaged of by any other force of nature or through my negligence i cannot claim. How do you think they make their money? They or course make it by screwing over the very people that depend on insurance most, us poor idiots.

And what the hell is the idea behind personal life insurance? I'd bet money the insurance company would have their doctors looking for some reason not to pay up. "A ha! look at this, he smoked when he was young and didn't eat his vegetables as a kid, clearly negligence on his behalf and therefore not eligible to claim!"

I will give them credit for exploiting so many people, someone had to do it.
When I lived in a real bad neighborhood, yes, everyone knew not to leave a bike out. Them ghetto people LOVE bikes. The pawn shops in the area was where you would find your bike.