Shit that's automatically cool

Hell Mike

fuck melodic black metal
Aug 22, 2003
What criteria need to be fullfilled to make something cool?

Is a movie automatically cool if some dude in it wears a Deströyer 666 shirt? Of course.
Is a movie automatically cool if it has zombies? Maybe, a decade or two ago definitely.
Is a song automatically cool if it has a badass bass solo? Pretty much.

Discuss. And elaborate/fill in.
Any movie with a woman cutting off her own clit.

Well I've only seen that once but shit ruled hard.
Any movie with realistic tactics/weapons employment and firefights. ie: Shooting positions, proper verbal communication, not taking the 'safety' off of Glocks, tactical reloads, speed reloads, etc. etc., acoustics of the firefight is a huge one as well (the correct 'snap, crackle, pop' <--- very rare in all mediums, probably because it would be distracting because it's an unknown sound really so they would have to explain it every time ala Black Hawk Down or else people would just be annoyed maybe?)

Any movie with Space Marines.
Any movie with realistic tactics/weapons employment and firefights. ie: Shooting positions, proper verbal communication, not taking the 'safety' off of Glocks, tactical reloads, speed reloads, etc. etc., acoustics of the firefight is a huge one as well (the correct 'snap, crackle, pop' <--- very rare in all mediums, probably because it would be distracting because it's an unknown sound really so they would have to explain it every time ala Black Hawk Down or else people would just be annoyed maybe?)

Any movie with Space Marines.
I agree here, but with the (minor) modification that it has to make me think it's realistic because I have no idea what really is. Same goes for prison shitz like Oz where people make shanks from toothbrushes etc.
Hmm. The two that come to mind immediately are

Strippers who dance to less obvious quality metal songs.
