Shopping list


Jan 4, 2012
So what are you guys itching to buy?

Im close to having enough cash to order 8 patch cables, a Schecter Blackjack SLS C-8, a Blackout Effectors Twosome Fuzz, a Fuel Tank classic and an M-Audio expression pedal + cable.
Ive been saving for fuck knows how long to buy all this and I cant wait to finally pull the trigger. After this the only thing left on my list is a 12 string acoustic.

Note: Entries dont have to be music gear related. Just post about anything you want to buy.
A new mattress. We slept in my in-laws' bed last night (no, didn't romp) due to some technicalities of home renovation. It was one of the best night's sleep I've had in a long time and made me realize just how much our mattress sucks. My husband could really use a desk, too, instead of the folding table he currently keeps his computer on. To IKEA!
I want so much crap
Need to get my roof fixed.
Would like to get another tree cut down.
I want an Avatar 1x12 cab.
Need to find some fucking ammo.
Have cd's I want to buy still.
Duncan Invader for my Dean 79 V
Need to start saving for a new car.
Having recently spent in the region of $6000 on stuff we need for the house we bought, I am trying not to buy anything more until we move in.
i want a new mic preamp (golden age project pre-73) and possibly a new mic (something warmer than my studio projects b1)

also, beer
I bought a Bergantino NV412 over the weekend.

That means I won't be buying DICK for months.

I plan on getting more Hellboy collections though.
Hmm not so sure if Ill get the Blackjack. The Damien Elite 8 seems to be more what Im after and its alot cheaper too. Decisions, decisions...
E-drum might be a good choice. Disassembled theyre quite small. That and theyre not stupidly loud and are extremely easy to record.

yeah, but it's always been kind of a dream of mine to record an album with a real drum kit (although i'm not the most skilled of drummers). Not that i have anything against E-Kits (i've messed with 'em by and by, and to me, i consider them good practice tools).
Books, music, whisky. I _might_ also pick up a Kimber .45 since it was on my list, we shall see. I'm content with my Glock for concealed carry. Also, condoms. And more whiskey.

I'm a simple man.

i'm feelin it
That's almost like James Franco's inauguration poem. An excerpt:

I met Obama once, in D.C., the Correspondents’ Dinner.
I was the guest of Vanity Fair, guided through D.C. by the wife
Of Christopher Hitchens, when he was alive. We went to Hitch’s place,
He had books from floor to ceiling, and said he had read

To Borges, when he was blind, Old Icelandic Eddas—
Then we waited in a private room with the likes of Tom Cruise,
And Katie Holmes, and Claire Danes. When Obama entered
The crowd converged. Finally, I got to shake his hand,

He knew me from Spider-Man. I asked him for advice,
I was scheduled to give the commencement speech at UCLA
And there were some undergraduate knockers against me;
He had been denied the usual honorary degree by Arizona State
A new mattress. We slept in my in-laws' bed last night (no, didn't romp) due to some technicalities of home renovation. It was one of the best night's sleep I've had in a long time and made me realize just how much our mattress sucks. My husband could really use a desk, too, instead of the folding table he currently keeps his computer on. To IKEA!

Did the IKEA thing today. We actually found a wooden, full-sized loft bed that we liked, but they were out of stock in the store. Being impatient, we ordered it online with a ridiculous shipping fee. It doesn't look quite as puny in person, but I doubt we'll be having wild sex up there. That pastime will likely be relocated to the futon, which we'll put under the loft.


A new mattress will have to wait. We currently sleep on a shitty queen mattress, but have a much comfier, full mattress at my parents' house that we'll use with this until we can afford a new one. I'm excited about all the extra space we'll have. :kickass:
Mackie Blackjack
Superior Drummer
ISP Decimator
Maxon ST9+ Pro
Boss HM-2
95Q Crybaby

I could get most of this stuff if I sold my Blackstar HT-60, I also need to sell my LTD KH-202 and Dean VMNT. Need to make a Ebay account.
I can't tell if Superior Drummer is a hopeful Craig's List posting, or a need for new software.

I just bought a full tank of gas for only $25. Mostly because the tank was already 2/3rds full.
3 pairs of wool socks. My old ones finally wearing out after several years.

Hooray for the $50 REI gift card someone gave me 2 years ago, fuck yes.

Also I recently bought some weirdo music and another pedal tuner thing.