Short and Thrashy...Please rate my mix!

Sounds really good dude! What did you use for the guitar sound? I like it man :D There is plenty of low end in this new version as well.
Thank you for listening!
How is it now? I did some little changes in low-end.

It´s better. I might be wrong but I think that this is a problem of how you mute the strings and not of eq but if it is a problem of eq, then you applied a HPF too high. I think that is not a eq problem because I had the same problem in the past, and it was because I muted the strings too forward from the bridge. And that causes the hollowness and the lack of the low end with the palm mutes.
It´s better. I might be wrong but I think that this is a problem of how you mute the strings and not of eq but if it is a problem of eq, then you applied a HPF too high. I think that is not a eq problem because I had the same problem in the past, and it was because I muted the strings too forward from the bridge. And that causes the hollowness and the lack of the low end with the palm mutes.

I think it's both - I cut too much low and I didn't pick very hard so maybe that's the problem. I don't mute strings too much forward from bridge.
I'll try to pick harder next time
