Short story: The Machine Stops by E.M. Forster

Ecstatic Youth

...playing with fire
Excellent short story about a world 100% dependant on technology. As you can tell from the title, the machine that controls every single aspect of their life stops and it is absolute death for the entire Earth. Very dark story, also VERY good. Written in 1909. Definitly worth the read.

Here's a few places where to read it(some may be easier on the eyes that others):

I'm pretty sure all of these lead to the full text o fthe story.

I would also like to hear your thoughts on the story.
You fucks, read this shit. It's fucking good you dildos! Read you lazy fucks........or i'll yell more! MORE YELLING

I read some of it when you first posted it, then my computer screwed up and I had to shut down and then I went to bed. And it's late right now, so I don't feel like reading. I'll come back tomorrow and read it. Maybe. If you yell some more.
saw your name and remembered.

After awhile it became quite the mind fuck---

it was pretty interesting