Should I miss a day of work to go to E3

Should I?

  • Yes... Video Games & Tits are Kvlt

    Votes: 13 92.9%
  • No... You may miss one of Profanity's 5 star postings

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I could care less

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters

Reign in Acai

Of Elephant and Man
Jun 25, 2003
Favela of My Dismay
So my chums have passes to E3. The problem is, it's during the work week. Is going to a convention surrounded by star wars aficionados, big breasted buxom blondes, and the unveiling of all the new video game systems worth taking a day off?!??! Has anybody here ever attended this celebration of celibacy?

Shit thread.
anything > going to work

I've never gone to that or the CES (is that still around?) but I've always wanted to. Tell me where and when, I might attend.

haha, I have a friend that calls into work all the time. His excuse: "I have this thing on my foot."
I'd pay a lot to be able to go there. You would be a fool to miss the opportunity since it's not open to regular consumers.
" I pity da foo' who doesn't go to this geekfest!!"
So we arrived at about 1pm. We parked about a mile away in a dilapidated structure that reminded me of a set from beverly hills cop. As we trekked the long walk to the Convention Center. We grew quite parched. Unfortunately the free mountain dew line was a mile long. (Later we got ourselves a can as I made a nerdling do pushups. If you do something stupid like take your shirt off and yell out mountaindew... You get some mountain merchandise) Anwho...back to the tale. Long story short. I played XBOX 360. It was meh. Needforspeed outlaws was the only game available to try. The graphics were pretty impressive, but the gameplay was about as dull as this post. Also played Madden 2006. Boringggggggggg! Nfl 2k series is vastly superior to this pile of polygonal piss. Basically just walked around for 5 hours, watched my buddies take pics of decent models with their digital camara's, received a couple freebies (not a demo disc to be seen), and waited in an hour long line to see a trailer to war of the worlds. Didn't get to see the ps3, as the line was around the corner. Afterwards, we walked back to the car. I seen a 40 year old mexican wearing a Bathory shirt. I complemented him on his choice for attire, he responded with an awkward "thanks". Obviously he must of purchased this on the discount rack at goodwill. If you don't listen to a do you wear their shirt?!?!?!? [/rant] Ended the night by watching starwars episode 3. Which slit my underwear in two. \m/

The end.

Here's a picture of one of the display models. Her back is beautiful.
