Should we expect an announcement this week?

It's been pretty quiet here today. I wonder if they're in panic mode. Hmm...or perhaps sidetracked by some sporting event on the boob tube, afterall it is Sunday. :p
I hope so!!!! Esp if they want to advertise in places like Illinois Entertainer and what not
(Though these days, I am not sure how much weight is put into print advertising)
We're in a position where we pretty much have to wait to get an answer from the band we've targetted. Otherwise, chances are that Plan B will be that the current lineup will be the final lineup...except for maybe the addition of a lower tiered band, which probably won't make much difference for those who are on the fence anyway.

Trust me, the day we hear, you'll hear.

Unfortunately, this has become another one of those learning experiences for start going after bands much earlier. :p Although honestly...I'm not sure how much that really would've mattered this year since most of the bigger bands we went after probably wouldn't have committed dates too far in advance for a fest like ours anyway...since we're still building up the fest's status & appeal. And if they did, we'd probably have to risk them canceling for a better opportunity (ie significant tour, etc), which may have put us in the same boat we're in now anyway. Know what I mean?
I hope so!!!! Esp if they want to advertise in places like Illinois Entertainer and what not
(Though these days, I am not sure how much weight is put into print advertising)

The Pearl Room has already been advertising the Powerfest (although incorrectly as an 18+, when it's in fact an all ages show ;) ) in the IE for the last couple months, & we have already been passing out flyers at shows with the current lineups for the last couple weeks now.

If we get the band we're going after, then that will blow this fest wide open. If not, then we've already started our local promotion push with the current & potential final lineup.
We're in a position where we pretty much have to wait to get an answer from the band we've targetted. Otherwise, chances are that Plan B will be that the current lineup will be the final lineup...except for maybe the addition of a lower tiered band, which probably won't make much difference for those who are on the fence anyway.

Trust me, the day we hear, you'll hear.

Unfortunately, this has become another one of those learning experiences for start going after bands much earlier. :p Although honestly...I'm not sure how much that really would've mattered this year since most of the bigger bands we went after probably wouldn't have committed dates too far in advance for a fest like ours anyway...since we're still building up the fest's status & appeal. And if they did, we'd probably have to risk them canceling for a better opportunity (ie significant tour, etc), which may have put us in the same boat we're in now anyway. Know what I mean?
Thanks for the update. As always, I wish you luck.

Thanks for the support, guys!!

Sorry...can't give you a hint. At this point, HINT = JINX. And we certainly don't need any of that right now. :p :lol:

The only thing I can tell you though, is that the band we're going after would be the perfect fit for the Saturday our opinion anyway. ;)
Sorry...can't give you a hint. At this point, HINT = JINX. And we certainly don't need any of that right now. :p :lol:

LOL, no problem, perfectly understandable.

GateXII said:
The only thing I can tell you though, is that the band we're going after would be the perfect fit for the Saturday our opinion anyway. ;)

Color me even more intrigued than ever. I'm definitely still considering a Saturday trip.
True they wouldn't fit, but with Mystic Prophecy on Friday I was thinking power metal lol, Based on the heavily non power metal lineup of Saturday, I would want Anata or Psycroptic for death metal. I would reallllly want to see Catamenia though, what a great melodic black metal band