Shroud of Videogames


Dec 21, 2001
Whatchoo playin' bitches?

Star Wars-Force Unleashed (Nintendo Ds/Wii)
Darth Vader's apprentice hacks and slashes his way through the time between episodes III and IV. Gameplay is decent but gets kinda tedious. honestly were it not for the novelty factor of the decently managed controls I would've gotten borded and given up part way through.

Dig DUg-Digging Strike (NDS)
They added some strategy to the classic formula in the form of trying to drown a giant monster of the surface by digging out giant stakes that expand cracks. Still gets pretty repetitive though.

Nights-Journey Into Dreams (Wii)
Usually, when I suck royally at a game I give up in frustration. TO this day, I still have no clue how to play Nights on the Saturn but love the thing. Same deal here. Suck hindwind but get lost in it for hours.

Final Fight 3 (SNES)
Nothing ever changes. Same old shit.

Streets of Rage 2 (Genesis)
Maybe it's the soundtrack but the repetition of this never bugs me half as much as the Final FIght sequels.

Wizards and Warriors III (NES)
even for a late-era NES game this thing is awful.

Mario vs DOnkey Kong 2-Attack of the Minis (NDS)
Lemmings feat. Mario, basically.

De BloB (Wii)
Evil fascist jerks stole the color. You control a living paint-absorbing blob. Dumb, borderline pointless, unrelenting fun.

Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (Genesis)
I unhooked my Wii to take it some place a few weeks back and still haven't re-wired the bitch. DS is giving me problems. Need to tweak my hardware.
Videogame nerds tell me RE5 is def. no longer survival horror and more along the lines of an action/adventure game that happens to have some zombies in it. Wouldn't know from personal experience. Basically, my current gen consolegets fired up to emulate the stuff I grew up with and the only thing I play recent wares on is the Nintendo DS.
FInally got around to playing Sonic Unleashed after having it for oh shit... 4 months? Totally see why it's already in discount bins.
I kinda want to get the Wii just for the old school download games, the Re collection (the remakes were stellar), and the Zelda collection. But, I just think it's a weak assed system as far as it being gimicky and low on the graphics end.
I honestly like the first of the Sonic Adventure games for Dreamcast. Sure, the action field shit was lameish and broke up gameplay a bit much at times. However, the action stages generally had the right feel to 'em and it was a blast to play. After that, they seemingly put more stress on wretched plot development than level design while trying to "keep things fresh" in really poorly executed ways.

The Wii isn't for hardcore gamer types. It's a fun little box whose software is supposed to stress gameplay over graphics while creating family-friendly fun. Generally, it winds up being a home for the most vile crap in the industry made "fresh" by adding some poorly executed wiggling. There are exceptions like Zelda: Twilight Princess and Mario Kart and Super Mario Galaxy and Nights: Journey Into Dreams that make up for all the shitty shovel ware to some extent. Honestly, run an emulator for a beloved and play the releases in order up to this point in the system's life cycle. Chances are you'll find roughly the same number of titles that have objectively retained their worth.
For me the graphical weakness means nothing. I play a mix of DS because it's portable and old school games I grew up with. The fact it's a repackaged Gamecube with spiffy controls actually benefits me in that regard. The homebrew software scene had a headstart on coding emulators and shit. There's something magical about playing 1991-issue PC CD-Rom games on the current buzz-worthy console haha.
I kinda want to get the Wii just for the old school download games, the Re collection (the remakes were stellar), and the Zelda collection. But, I just think it's a weak assed system as far as it being gimicky and low on the graphics end.

It's an interesting piece of hardware with regards to the controllers themselves which I think is really cool, twist hand while moving thru bowling to get a spin on the ball, things like that. Graphics aren't high end like the PS3 (have one too) or probably the XBox (don't have/want atm). Don't have a lot of games on it, don't play it (or PS3) as much as I should....lots of time in Guild Wars though! lol, dan get your ass back online and into the game whenever I get to look and fix your PC issue that you've been SLACKING on for months now....
yeah. The Wii is definitely weaker than an Xbox360. It's basically a repackaged Gamecube with new control scheme and WiFi capabilities. Graphically, it's very previous-gen.
Nice feature of its backwards nature is alot of the homebrew software had a leg up development-wise. You can emulate stuff we'll never see (Mike Tyson's Punchout!, Monkey Island, etc), add video playback, or even run Linux.
Come by sometime. I'll show you some of what the thing can do. There are options beyond what I do but I don't have a stable WiFi connection for the device.